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词汇 compete
例句 He relishes the chance/opportunity to compete again.他很开心能有机会再比试一次。Canadian business cannot compete head-to-head with American business.加拿大企业无力同美国企业正面交锋。The premise is that schools will work harder to improve if they must compete.前提是,如果各学校必须参与竞争的话,就会更加努力。They compete in the senior division of the chess league.他们参加国际象棋联赛高级组比赛。Our goods compete in terms of product quality, reliability and above all variety.我们的产品在质量、可靠性,尤其是品种方面颇具竞争力。Children will always compete for their parents’ attention.孩子们常常会争着吸引父母的注意。We ask for a level playing field when we compete with foreign companies.我们寻求一个能与外国公司公平竞争的环境。The mobile phone companies compete with each other to win new subscribers.移动电话公司竞相争取新用户。Men and women should be able to compete for jobs on an equal footing.男性和女性应该在平等的基础上竞争工作岗位。Distributors claim they are being forced to use the grey market to compete.批发商声称他们被迫利用灰市进行竞争。The company is well equipped to compete with its international rivals.这个公司条件优越,足以和国际对手竞争。Fox is not bitter about the lost opportunity to compete in the Games.福克斯并没有对错过了参赛机会感到不忿。I never expected that you would compete with me by undercutting your prices.我从没想到你会以削价的方式与我竞争。Their products compete directly with ours.他们的产品与我们的直接竞争。Small independent bookstores just can't compete with national chains and online retailers.小型独立书店就是竞争不过全国性连锁书店和网上经销商。No one could compete with these steel monopolies.没有人能和这些钢铁垄断企业竞争。Unless they can reduce their prices, they will soon be unable to compete on the American market.除非他们能降价,否则在美国市场很快就会没有竞争力。Companies as small as ours just can't compete at that level.像我们这么小的公司根本比不上那种层次的公司。Kangaroos compete with sheep and cattle for sparse supplies of food and water.袋鼠与牛羊争夺稀少的食物和水。Animals in the wild have to compete for food.野生动物不得不为食物竞争。Several restaurants compete for tourists' custom.几家餐厅为赢得游客光顾而展开竞争。They have to compete by adorning their products with ever more extravagant claims.他们不得不通过更加离谱地吹捧自己的产品来进行竞争。For the magazine to be successful, it will have to compete in the big league against leading weekly women's magazines.为了成功,该杂志必须在高端市场和主流的女性周刊杂志竞争。My daughter wants to compete in track and field.我女儿想参加田径比赛。Lewis will compete in both sprints in Stuttgart.刘易斯将参加在斯图加特举行的两个短跑项目的比赛。The two teams will compete head-to-head for the championship.这两个队将正面交锋,争夺冠军。He refuses to compete on Sundays because of his religious beliefs.出于宗教信仰,他拒绝在礼拜天进行比赛。He lacked ambition and couldn't compete with the others.他胸无大志,无法与人竞争。A new dictionary must be very good if it is to compete with the many already in the market.一本新词典必须质量优等才能与市场上现有的许多词典相媲美。These days businesses have to be able to compete internationally.如今,企业必须要经得起国际竞争。You've got to compete to be in the ball game.你必须竞争才能加入进来。Male birds compete for territories and mates.雄鸟会争夺地盘和爱侣。Did you compete in the track meet on Saturday?你在周六的田径运动会上参赛了吗?The company says it is pointless to compete in the air package holiday market.该公司称,在航空包价旅游市场竞争没有意义。The win qualifies her to compete in the final race.这次比赛的胜利使她有了决赛的参赛权。Few athletes can compete at international level.能参与国际水平比赛的运动员为数不多。All companies will compete for the government contract on equal terms.所有公司将平等竞争政府的合同。Players have to be of a certain standard to compete in the tournament.选手们必须达到一定水平才能参加锦标赛。We can compete with the best teams.我们能与最好的队竞争。Schools should not compete with each other or attempt to poach pupils.学校之间不应该相互竞争,也不应该企图挖走彼此的学生。




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