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词汇 compelling
例句 The book is thought-compelling.这本书发人深思。There is no logically compelling argument to support their claims.没有任何逻辑上有说服力的证据来支持他们的说法。He provides a compelling personal narrative of his life.他扣人心弦地描述了自己的一生。Jan Roberts weaves a compelling tale which traps a young woman in a world run by the Mafia.简·罗伯茨编了一个引人入胜的故事,诱骗一位年轻女性进入了黑手党的地盘。The author makes a compelling argument for the use of hydrogen as a fuel.作者主张用氢气作燃料,提出的论据很有说服力。It's a violent yet compelling film.这是一部虽然暴力却引人入胜的电影。Her new novel is a lengthy and compelling family saga.她最新的一部小说是一个篇幅宏大、扣人心弦的家族传奇。He made a compelling argument.他的辩论令人信服。After his resignation, the governor remained a compelling politician.这位州长在辞职后仍然是个令人注目的政治家。I found the whole film very compelling.我觉得整部影片都很扣人心弦。Research has provided a compelling weight of evidence to the contrary.研究提供了压倒性的反面证据。The evidence for the snowdrop's naturalization in these sites is pretty compelling.雪花莲在这些地方归化的证据非常有说服力。He remains a compelling figure in politics.他在政治上仍是一个引人注目的人物。The author weaves a compelling tale.这位作家编造了一个引人入胜的故事。It's a fairly compelling argument for going.去的理由很有说服力。Factual and forensic evidence makes a suicide verdict the most compelling answer to the mystery of his death.事实和法医证据都表明,自杀裁定是对他神秘死亡案件最令人信服的解释。There was no compelling justification for the invasion.这次入侵没有令人信服的理由。There is a compelling logic to his main theory.他的主要理论蕴含着令人信服的逻辑推理。There was compelling evidence in her defence.她的辩护中有令人信服的证据。Her eyes were her best feature, wide-set and compelling.她的眼睛是她五官中长得最好的,大而迷人。His prose is always lucid and compelling.他的散文素来简洁、有力。The city passed an ordinance compelling all outdoor lighting to be switched off at 9.00 PM.该市通过一条法令强令晚上九点关闭一切室外照明。She had a compelling need to share what she had heard.她觉得非常有必要来分享一下她所听到的内容。Equally compelling is data that suggests that antidepressants leave some people with no relief at all.同样令人信服的数据显示,抗抑郁药物对有些患者毫无缓解作用。His eyes were strangely compelling.他的眼睛有一种奇特的吸引力。They made a compelling/convincing/persuasive/strong argument for our participation.为了让我们参与,他们给出了极具说服力的理由。This is a thought-compelling book.这是本令人深思的书。The lawyer's compelling arguments convinced the jury of the defendant's innocence.律师令人信服的辩词使陪审团相信了被告的无辜。I would need a very compelling reason to leave my job.我需要一个非常充分的离职理由。Lucy had no compelling reason to go into town.露西没有充分的理由去镇上。He felt a compelling need to tell someone about his idea.他感到有一种强烈的欲望要把这一想法告诉别人。Freud's approach to the analysis of dreams is highly compelling.弗洛伊德对梦境的分析方法非常令人信服。The film was so compelling I could scarcely take my eyes off the screen for a second.这部电影非常吸引人,我几乎连一秒钟都不舍得把眼睛从屏幕上移开。The novel was so compelling that I couldn't put it down.那部小说非常吸引人,我看得爱不释手。The play's mordant comedy makes for compelling viewing.该剧讽刺幽默的喜剧风格让人看了欲罢不能。The most compelling work in the modern British theater is being created in the smaller and non-profit theaters.现代英国戏剧最扣人心弦的作品正在一些非营利的小剧场中诞生。My second and more compelling reason for going to Dearborn was to see the Henry Ford Museum.我去迪尔伯恩的第二个原因,也是更令人信服的原因,是为了参观亨利·福特博物馆。She is compelling, spectral, fascinating, an unforgettably unique performer.她极具吸引力,清幽如鬼魅,令人着迷,令人难忘,是个独具特色的演员。It's hard to find a competing product that is as compelling.很难找到一个如此令人无法抗拒的竞争产品。It is hard to find a more compelling reason to quit smoking than the fact that it affects your children's health.与影响儿女健康这一事实相比,很难找到更令人信服的戒烟理由了。




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