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例句 His position does not empower him to cite our views without consultation.他的地位并没有给予他不经许可就引用我们观点的权力。I can cite several recent racial attacks which prove my point.我可以举出最近发生的几起种族袭击事件,来证明自己的观点。I could cite cases by the dozen.我能列出的例子不胜枚举。Experts cite the country as an instance where human rights violations could lead to international intervention.专家们以该国为例,说明侵犯人权有可能招致国际干预。Women are more likely to cite socioeconomic-circumstantial factors than men.与男人相比,女人更倾向于举出一些与社会经济条件有关的因素。Dr Hyland was only able to cite two cases in support of his hypotheses.海兰德博士只能引用两个例子来支持他提出的那些假设。




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