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词汇 cities
例句 The firm has offices in several large cities, but does most of its business by mail.公司在几座大城市都设有办事处,不过大部分业务都通过邮政系统来实现。Even as the President appealed for calm, trouble flared in several American cities.尽管总统呼吁保持冷静,美国一些城市的骚乱仍有所升级。Current trends suggest that cities will continue to grow.目前的趋势表明,城市将继续发展。The list of most polluted cities is headed by London.伦敦排在重污染城市前列。I am not a country person at all. I prefer the cities.我根本不喜欢乡村生活,我喜欢城市。The coastal cities of Liguria sit on narrow strips of land lying under steep mountains.利古里亚的沿海城市坐落在陡峭山脉下的狭长地带上。The motorway network links all the major cities.高速公路网连接着所有的大城市。Traditionally, markets were held outdoors, but many cities in Britain now have indoor markets.传统上市场都是设在室外的,但英国的许多城市现在都有室内市场。Many cities discharge their sewage into the sea without treating it at all.许多城市在根本未经处理的情况下将污水排放到海里。Hostile forces have taken control of cities in the north of the country.敌军已占领了该国北部的几座城市。A long-distance bus service now links the cities.现在有连接各城市的长途汽车服务。The cities are competing against each other to attract and retain business.那些城市在相互竞争,以吸引并留住商家。The distances between cities in Russia are simply enormous.俄罗斯各城市之间相距真是太远了。The hurricane wreaked terrible damage/destruction on coastal cities.飓风给沿海城市带来了巨大破坏。I made a gross judgement of the distance between the two cities.我粗略地判断了一下这两个城市之间的距离。For comparative purposes, the populations of three other cities are also shown.为便于比较,还显示了另外三个城市的人口。The combined population of the two cities is over half a million.这两个城市的总人口超过了五十万。There has been a net transfer of lower-paid people away from the inner cities.低收入者移出内城区的人数已多于移入者。Many US cities now have non-stop flights to Aspen.美国很多城市现在都有直达阿斯彭的航班。Right now there is a summer hegira from the cities to the coast.眼下正有大批人离城去海滨避暑。Existing derelict land is needed for greening the cities.现有的荒地要用来绿化城市。Problems have been boiling up in the cities during the hot summer.炎炎夏日,城市里的问题已经发展到岌岌可危的地步。The poorer cities of the industrial north have disproportionately high rates of child mortality.在北部工业区较为贫穷的城市中,儿童死亡率高得不成比列。Although Chicago has fared better than some cities, unemployment remains a problem.虽说芝加哥比其他一些城市情况好些,但失业仍是个问题。Larger cities have many high-rise apartments.较大的城市中有许多高层公寓。Urban inhabitants have to live with the characteristic noises of cities.城市居民不得不忍受都市特有的喧嚣。Indianapolis beat out nearly 100 other cities as the site for a huge United Airlines maintenance center.印第安纳波利斯从近百座城市中胜出,成为美国联合航空公司大型维护中心所在地。The air in cities is often impure.城市的空气往往是污浊的。The group ranks cities according to its own set of criteria.该团体以自己的一套标准来给城市分等级。>Measures have been taken to solve traffic problems in big cities.业已采取措施以解决大城市的交通问题。There is growing unrest among students in several major cities.在多个大城市里,学生骚乱正愈演愈烈。The local magistrates hope that the central government can devolve the taxation rights to the local cities and municipalities.地方的县市首长希望中央能将税收的权利转移到地方政府手上。The government has given extra funding to help tackle illiteracy in the inner cities.政府拨出额外经费来帮助解决旧城区内的文盲问题。We'll blacken your skies and burn your cities.我们要让你们的天空变得晦暗无光,把你们的城市烧毁。With its narrow cobbled streets and gabled houses, Bruges must be one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.布鲁日拥有狭窄的鹅卵石街道和有着山墙的房屋,一定是欧洲最美的城市之一。The two cities are at approximately the same latitude.这两个城市差不多位于同一纬度上。There is a concentration of people in big cities.大城市人口集中。We need a comprehensive strategy to wage war on poverty in our inner cities.我们需要一项综合的战略来对抗市中心的贫困现象。Trains can get you there from all major European cities.火车能把你从欧洲各大城市载送到那里。We must make our inner cities better to live and work in.我们必须把市中心区改造得更适合居住和工作。




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