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词汇 citizens
例句 Four other US citizens are being held hostage by guerrillas in Colombia.另有四名美国公民被哥伦比亚境内的游击队扣作人质。Admission prices are £6 for adults, £5 for senior citizens and £3 for children.入场费成人六英镑,老年人五英镑,儿童三英镑。At off-peak times senior citizens can use the sports centre at reduced rates.在非繁忙时间长者可以优惠价使用运动中心的设施。By the end of the war the Canadian government had borrowed over $5 billion from its own citizens.战争结束时,加拿大政府向国民借了五十多亿美元。The state advertises a great deal to induce its citizens to buy lottery tickets.该州大做广告吸引公民购买彩票。Thanks to a group of public-spirited citizens, the garden has been preserved.多亏了一群热心公益的市民,这个花园才得到了保留。Young people are more amenable than older citizens to the idea of immigration.年轻人较老年公民更易接受移民的想法。The number of senior citizens living in poverty has trebled in the last three years.生活贫困的老年公民人数在过去三年中增加了两倍。The success of extremist groups in the elections should be a wake-up call to all decent citizens.极端主义团体在选举中获胜应该成为所有正派公民的一个警示。In cities where many people beg, citizens quickly develop compassion fatigue.在有许多人乞讨的城市里,市民们很快患上了同情疲劳症。In the city of Taipei, there are still 12 overpasses which many citizens oppose to dismantling.台北市目前还有十二座人行天桥,许多居民不赞成拆除。Voting is the prerogative of adult citizens.选举权是成年公民的特权。According to the polls, a huge majority of citizens oppose bilingual education.民意调查显示,大部分公民反对双语教学。All citizens must obey the law and be loyal to the Constitution.所有公民都必须遵守法律,忠于宪法。The universities in our country are open to all citizens.我国的大学向所有的公民开放。The stranded motorist called on his citizens band radio for help.受困的驾车旅行者用民用波段无线电呼救。The citizens of Kwangju rose in rebellion against the oppressive regime.光州的市民起来暴动,反抗暴虐的政权。Too many airlines treat our children as second-class citizens.太多的航空公司把我们的孩子当二等公民对待。Thanks to a group of public-spirited citizens, the Krippendorf garden has been preserved.多亏了一些热心公益的市民,克里彭多夫花园才得以保留了下来。The law must seek to protect the democratic rights of citizens.法律必须设法保护公民的民主权利。Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens but they have no representation in Congress.波多黎各人是美国公民,但是他们在国会里没有代表。The country's government systematically denies its citizens basic rights to free expression.这个国家的政府完全剥夺了其公民言论自由的基本权利。British and American warships are standing by to evacuate their citizens if necessary.英国和美国的战舰已准备好在必要时将本国公民撤离出去。Angry citizens took to the streets to protest the war.愤怒的民众走上街头抗议战争。Police fear that more senior citizens could fall prey to the thieves.警方担心会有更多退休人员成为小偷的目标。The mayor urged citizens to begin preparing for a major storm.一场特大暴风雨即将到来,市长敦促市民做好准备。By and large, these people are peace-loving, law-abiding citizens.大体上,这些人都是热爱和平、遵纪守法的公民。All US citizens in the area have been advised to return home.建议该地区的所有美国公民都回国去。The United States gives its citizens certain rights.美国给予它的公民某些权利。Under Stalin, Soviet citizens were deprived of their most basic human rights.在独裁者的统治下,公民被剥夺了最基本的人权。As citizens of the global village, we cannot ignore our obligations to others.作为地球村的公民,我们不能忽视自己对其他人的责任。A government can tax its citizens directly, and it can tax the property they own.政府可以直接向公民课税,也可以对他们的财产课税。We are fighting for our rights as citizens.我们在为争取公民的权利而斗争。All citizens united regardless of their political complexion.所有公民不论其政治观点如何都团结起来了。The President authorizes the judicious use of military force to protect our citizens.总统授权可以明智而审慎地动用军队保护我们的公民。Outraged citizens spluttered about how disgraceful this was.愤怒的市民气急败坏地说这件事是多么的不光彩。While ordinary citizens had to wait months to get hospital treatment, government officials were able to jump the queue.普通公民要等好几个月才得到住院治疗,而政府官员却能插队。It's difficult to infer how these changes will affect ordinary citizens.难以推断这些变化将如何影响普通市民。Women are both put on a pedestal and treated like second-class citizens.女性既受崇拜又被视作二等公民。Should new citizens of Canada pledge allegiance to the queen of Great Britain?加拿大的新公民要向英国女王宣誓效忠吗?




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