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词汇 步步
例句 As he ran down the field, the defender kept up with him stride for stride. 当他在场上向前跑时,对方防守队员步步紧逼。Though he pressed his rival, he could not peg him back.虽然他对对手步步紧逼,但仍不能扭转对方的领先优势。Her political opponents believe that she can be defeated, and they are moving in for the kill.她的政敌们认为可以击败她,正步步紧逼要置她于死地。He dogged her every move.他对她步步紧跟。The rebels were put to flight by the advancing army.军队步步逼近使造反者溃逃。So Andy put the screws on Silvester.于是安迪开始对西尔韦斯特步步紧逼。She seemed to push all the right buttons.她好像步步正确,一路顺利。US Special Forces were closing in.美国特种部队正在步步逼近。Forces were massing on the border for an imminent invasion.军队正在边境地区大量集结,准备应对步步逼近的入侵。She rug-ranked her way up out of the secretarial classifications.她按地毯等级工资制步步晋升,最后不再当秘书了。




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