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例句 I'll need precise measurements if you want me to buy the wood for you.如果你想让我帮你买木材,我需要准确的尺寸。Presentation is important if you want people to buy your products.如果想要人们购买你的产品,包装非常重要。You must have belief in yourself if you want to make it as an actor.如果你要成为名演员,就一定要相信自己。You'll have to really work at it if you want to be a professional dancer.如果你想成为职业舞蹈家就必须好好下工夫。The advantage of group holidays is company on tap but time alone if you want it.团体度假的好处在于,要找人陪伴非常容易,想要独处也行。You should stop down if you want to take a good photo.你要想照出好照片,你得缩小光圈。Exercise is important if you want your muscles to stay firm.如果你想保持结实,锻炼很重要。Don't hold your emotion in, cry if you want to.别抑制你的情感,想哭你就哭一通吧。You'll have to push harder if you want it to move.要想移动它,你得用更大的力气推。You should leave early if you want to miss the rush hour.如果你想避开高峰时间,就该早些出发。Don't hurry. You cannot cut corners if you want to do a perfect job.别急!如果你想干得出色,就不能只图简便。It's time you brushed up your English,if you want to go to New York on holiday.如果你想去纽约度假,现在就该复习英语了。I'll happily cook the dinner if you want me to.如果你愿意,我将很乐意为你煮这顿饭。You'll need to notify security if you want to work late in the office.如果想在办公室里工作到很晚,你需要通知保安人员。There are similar charges if you want to cash a cheque at a branch other than your own.如在别的分行兑现支票,也有类似的收费。I'll be glad to elaborate if you want to hear more.如果你想进一步了解,我很乐意详细阐述。I'm free on Wednesday evening, if you want to go out to dinner then.如果你要出去吃饭的话,星期三晚上我有空。I'll give you a game of chess if you want.你想的话我就陪你下一盘国际象棋。You have to hustle further if you want to finish it.如果你想一下子干完的话,你还得卖点力气。Don't supersize your fries if you want to look good on the beach.如果你想在沙滩上看上去体形好一些,就不要吃加量的薯条。Companies all seem to charge a premium if you want anything but the most basic service.如果你想享用最基本服务以外的其他服务,各家公司似乎都会收取额外的费用。Please call ahead if you want to reserve a room.预订房间请提前来电话。It's going to be a long drive, kids, so if you want to go to the toilet, do so now.孩子们,我们要作长途旅行,所以如果要上厕所现在就去。You need to toughen up if you want to succeed in this business.如果你想在这个行当获得成功,就必须更坚强。I'll make tea if you want.如果你要喝茶,我就去沏。It's best to leave early if you want to be sure of arriving on time.要想确保准时到达,你最好早点出发。An added bonus is that your ticket is valid for three months, so if you want to come back again, it's free.额外的好处是你的车票有效期三个月,所以如果你再想回来,是免费的。Los Angeles, California, is where it's at if you want to get into the film industry.如果你想进入电影业,加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶是最佳去处。You'll have to walk quicker than that if you want to keep up with me.如果你想跟上我就得走快一些。You'll have to stick in if you want to succeed.如果你想成功就要一直努力。You can stay overnight if you want to.要是你愿意可以住一宿。You'll have to mind your p's and q's if you want to give her a good impression.如果你想给她留下个好印象,就应该谨言慎行。You have to know how to push all the right buttons if you want to be a successful diplomat.如果你想成为一个成功的外交官,你必须懂得如何抓住要害得到你想要的东西。Er, if you want to suggest that, be my guest.哦,如果那就是你的意思的话,请便吧。There's lots more beer in the cooler if you want some.你要喝的话,冰箱里还有很多啤酒。You have to be willing to change jobs frequently if you want to get to the top in business.如果你想事业有成,就必须愿意频繁地换工作。You would do better to leave now if you want to get there on time.你想准时到达那里的话,最好现在就走。It's important to impress your seniors if you want to be promoted.如果你想得到晋升,给你的上级留下好印象很重要。There's seconds if you want them.如果你要的话还有添菜。You can go if you want.你要是想走就可以走。




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