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词汇 ignorance
例句 Outsiders, in their ignorance, fail to understand this.局外人因为不知情没法理解这一点。It would have been better to have remained in ignorance.要是还是什么都不知道就好了。The movie shows a laughable ignorance of history.这部电影暴露出了对历史可笑的无知。Barker's comments on Germany betrayed a woeful ignorance of history and recent politics.巴克评论德国的那番话暴露了他对历史和时政的极度无知。The sisters lived in total ignorance of each other.姐妹俩对彼此的存在一无所知。Tormented by her ignorance, Jenny delves into her mother's past.珍妮为自己的一无所知而苦恼,开始探究起母亲的过去。His question merely illustrates his ignorance of the subject.他提的问题仅仅说明了他对这个学科的无知。Such attitudes are the product of woeful ignorance.这样的态度是极度无知造成的。They were engaged in an epic struggle against poverty and ignorance.他们与贫穷和无知进行着长期而又艰苦的斗争。He pleaded ignorance of any wrongdoing.他辩称自己对所有的坏事概不知情。He was comfortable in ignorance of what he did not choose to know.他对自己不想知道的事一无所知,这使他感到内心平静。He was kept in ignorance of his true identity.他一直被蒙在鼓里,不知道自己的真实身份。Crafty entrepreneurs like Harper profited from the ignorance of the masses.像哈珀之类精明的企业家利用大众的无知来获利。There is so much ignorance about mental illness.人们对精神疾病很不了解。We are in complete ignorance of his plans.我们对他的计划一无所知。There is still widespread ignorance about this disease.仍有很多人对于这种病不了解。Poverty and ignorance, the bishop said, were the forces of evil in our society today.主教说,贫穷和无知给我们当今社会带来极大的危害。He showed a remarkable ignorance of the facts.他对这些事实表现得一无所知。He holds that ignorance leads to superstition.他认为无知会导致迷信。Your ignorance is astounding.你的无知令人咋舌。Intelligence leads the way over the rocks of ignorance and prejudice.聪明才智指引人们越过无知和偏见的险阻。Some species have been wiped out through ignorance.有些物种由于人们的无知而灭绝了。The value of his criticism was discounted by his ignorance of the subject.他对这个课题的无知降低了他批评的价值。The department had become a byword for ignorance and obstinacy.这个部门已经成为了无知和固执的代号。The judge remarked that ignorance was not a valid defence.法官说无知不能成为有效的辩护理由。His ignorance appals me.他的无知令我震惊。Many country parishes were still living in blissful ignorance of the post-war crime wave.庆幸的是,许多乡村教区仍然没有感受到战后的犯罪浪潮。I was alarmed by his naivety and ignorance of international affairs.他对国际事务缺乏经验且无知,这很让我吃惊。We can no longer claim ignorance about the effects of pollution or continue to turn a blind eye.我们不再被说是忽视污染的影响或继续视而不见。Many species have been wiped out through sublime ignorance.许多物种由于人们的极端无知而灭绝了。Thousands of people are failing to make the most of their pension investments, largely through ignorance.主要由于不知情,成千上万的人都未能充分利用他们的养老金投资。This showed a profound ignorance of local customs.这表明对当地风俗全然无知。When asked about the reasons for these drastic changes, she pleaded/pled ignorance. 被问到这些剧变的原因时,她说自己不清楚。The many are kept in ignorance while the few prosper.多数人被蒙在鼓里,而少数人却发了大财。It's an ignorance we can ill afford.这是我们难以承受的无知。On that particular issue, I will have to plead ignorance. 关于那个具体问题,我只能说我对此毫不知情。Education is a sure antidote for ignorance.教育一准可以消除无知。Her ignorance of foreign policy was alarming.她对外交政策的无知令人吃惊。He pleaded ignorance when they found the package in his suitcase.他们在他的手提箱里发现该包裹时,他申辩说自己对此一无所知。It's disingenuous of Congress to plead ignorance now.国会现在以不知情来辩解是缺乏诚意的表现。




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