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词汇 ignominy
例句 If they were caught, she would be dismissed with ignominy.如果他们被抓,她将不光彩地被解雇。He feared the ignominy of being exposed as a spy.他害怕间谍身份被揭穿所带来的耻辱。For years he had to live in reproach and ignominy.多年来,他只好含垢忍辱地活着。After the ignominy of last weekend, we were determined to play well.上周末蒙受耻辱后,我们下决心打好比赛。She had to endure the ignominy of being forced to resign.她不得不忍受被迫辞职的耻辱。If they were caught, she would be thrown out in disgrace, dismissed with ignominy.一旦他们被抓住,她就会名誉扫地,被很不光彩地撤职开除。Far from being an ignominy this was a courageous and morally correct deed.这非但不是卑劣行为,反而是勇敢的正义行动。The incumbent party experienced the ignominy of total defeat in the last election.执政党在上次选举中蒙受了大败的耻辱。




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