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词汇 care about
例句 A lot of people don't seem to care about what is happening to the environment.有许多人好像并不在乎环境会怎么样。She always cares about losing her job.她总是担心丢掉她的工作。Many zealots of the anti-Nuclear movement do not care about power shortage.许多反核运动狂热者不在乎电力短缺。Though the public cares about the story less and less, the papers continue to report it.尽管公众对这个传闻越来越不在意,但报纸仍在继续报道。Of course I care about the homeless and the unemployed, but what can I do?我当然关心无家可归者和失业者,可我能做些什么呢?The only thing he seems to care about is money.他好像只在乎钱。She put on a big show of sympathy, but she really didn't care about his troubles.她表现出很有同情心的样子,但实际上并不关心他的困难。He only cares about sports. He has no interest in academics.他只喜欢运动,对学习毫无兴趣。Sarah is so superficial – she only cares about how she looks.萨拉非常浅薄,她只关心自己的容貌。He cares about his job, but his family comes first. 他很在乎他的工作,但他的家庭还是排在第一位的。When you become a parent the things you once cared about seem to have less value.一旦你为人父母,你曾经在意的那些事情就显得不那么重要了。He was too full of himself to care about anyone else.他过于狂妄自大,对别人根本不屑一顾。I don't care about the scenery. I'm only interested in getting from A to B.我不在乎风景。我就喜欢东游西逛。I don't care about fashion, I dress how I please.我不太在乎时尚,衣服我爱怎么穿就怎么穿。His job was all he really cared about. His personal life always came last.他真正关心的唯有自己的工作,个人生活则总是最后考虑。Of course I care about Kirsty - that's why I want to help her.我当然关心柯丝蒂—所以我才想帮她。He didn't really care about me, he just wanted to bend my ear about his own problems.他并不是真的关心我,他只是想跟我唠叨他自己的难题。I'm very lucky to have a husband, family and friends who care about me.我有幸拥有关心我的丈夫、家人和朋友。I don't care about your little problems.我对你那些小问题不感兴趣。I don't care about the rights and wrongs of the matter - I just want you both to stop arguing.我不关心在这件事上孰是孰非——我只是想让你们两个都不要再吵了。What he cared about was helling around.他只顾花天酒地。To hell with politics! What do I care about politics?让政治见鬼去吧!政治关我什么事?She doesn't care about anything except money.除了钱她什么也不关心。He told people he didn't care about her, but deep down he knew different.他告诉别人说不在乎她,但心底里他知道不是那么回事。They look too wasted to care about much.他们看上去疲惫不堪,以至于顾不上太多。The government professes to care about the poor.政府自称关心穷人。They were tuned in to their own needs and didn't care about the feelings of other people.他们只顾自己的需求,不在乎别人的感受。I resent the implication that I don't care about my father.我讨厌别人暗示我不关心父亲。I don't care about what other people think.我不在乎别人怎么想。They took away the one thing I cared about.他们把我心爱的那件东西拿走了。The criticism that the English do not truly care about their children was often voiced.常有人批评英国人并不真正关心自己的孩子。I really cared about you. You led me on. You didn't care at all about me.我真的很关心你。你只忽悠我。你根本不关心我。It's time for everyone who cares about this issue to stand up and be counted.是时候让所有关心这个问题的人都公开表明态度了。What really shocked me was that no-one seemed to care about all the beggars.令我感到震惊的是,这么多乞丐,好像没有人去关心他们。I don't care about what you do in the privacy of your own home. 我不在意你在自己家的私人空间里做什么。He was first and foremost an educator who cared about his students.首先,他是一位关心学生的教育家。Frank is completely selfish - he only cares about number one.弗兰克极端自私——他只在乎自己。You know I really care about you, or else I wouldn't be here.你知道我很在乎你的,不然我也不会在这儿。I don't care about what you think; I'm certain he is right.我不管你怎么想,我肯定他是对的。At the risk of sounding facetious, who really cares about what happens?说出来怕被认为是在乱开玩笑,其实谁真的会在乎发生什么事呢?




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