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词汇 cared
例句 In the heyday of big cars nobody cared how much gas cost.在宽大型轿车盛行的日子,没人在意要花多少油费。He became a hero even in the eyes of those who had not cared for him before.他成了个英雄,即使在那些过去看不起他的人的眼里也是如此。She became a nun and cared for the terminally ill.她成了修女,照料患有绝症的病人。It's good to know that the dogs will be well cared for while we're away.得知我们外出期间那些狗会得到妥善照看真是太好了。He had hurt her more than she cared to admit.他对她的伤害太深了,以致她都不愿承认。Liz realized that, despite herself, she cared about Edward.莉兹发现自己在乎爱德华,不能自制。For her, marrying a rich man was just a means to an end. All she really cared about was money.对她来说,嫁给富人只是达到目的的手段。她真正想要的是金钱。He thanked the nurses who had cared for him.他对照看他的护士表示了谢意。He cared for her as a whole person rather than just a sex object.他喜欢她整个人,而不仅仅是把她当作性对象。They cared little for their neighbours.他们一点也不关心邻居。Personally, I couldn't have cared less whether the ice cream came from Italy or England.就我个人而言,我根本不关心冰激凌是意大利产的还是英国产的。He has cared for his sick mother for years.他照顾生病的母亲已经好几年了。They took away the one thing I cared about.他们把我心爱的那件东西拿走了。This is a system in which the rich are cared for and the poor are left to suffer.在这种制度之下,富人备受关照而穷人却受苦受难。The children are being cared for by a relative.孩子们由一位亲戚照料着。He had caused her more pain than she cared to admit.他对她造成的伤害比她承认的要大得多。She has cared for the poor with selfless devotion.她一直无私奉献,关心穷人。She will be tenderly cared for.她会受到悉心照料的。She sounded as if she really cared.听上去她似乎真的在意。Money was the last thing I cared about right now.目前,钱是我最无所谓的。The children are well cared for.孩子们得到了悉心的照顾。She cared nothing for such trivia.她不在乎这种琐事。He cared not a whit for the social, political or moral aspects of literature.他根本不在乎文学的社会、政治和道德层面。He cared little for social advancement.他不太在意社会地位的提升。Bobbie said that Murry could rest now if he cared to.博比说如果默里愿意的话,他现在可以去休息了。They went on vacation, safe in the knowledge that the farm would be well cared for while they were away.得知自己不在时农场会有人悉心照料,他们就安心地去度假了。The inspectors make sure that the elderly residents are well cared for.督察员确保老年人都得到很好的照顾。They really cared about me as a person.他们真的把我当成一个人来关心。I made a show of interest, but I really couldn't have cared less.我装出一副很感兴趣的样子,但实际上毫不在乎。His job was all he really cared about. His personal life always came last.他真正关心的唯有自己的工作,个人生活则总是最后考虑。Only Ed cared enough to come and talk to her.只有埃德在意她,过来和她说话。Those who are most badly/seriously hurt will be cared for first.伤势最重者优先接受治疗。He was first and foremost an educator who cared about his students.首先,他是一位关心学生的教育家。He really cared for her.他真的很喜欢她。She became a nun and cared for the terminally ill for the rest of her life.她做了修女,用她的余生照顾患有绝症的人们。Marina cared for him after he seriously injured his eye several years ago.自从几年前他眼睛严重受伤之后,玛丽娜就一直照顾他。Sick prisoners in the camp were "cared for", in inverted commas, by guards, not nurses.拘留营里生病的犯人由警卫而不是护士负责所谓的“照料”。When you become a parent the things you once cared about seem to have less value.一旦你为人父母,你曾经在意的那些事情就显得不那么重要了。No one actually cared what I thought.没有人真的在乎我的想法。The woman, who needs constant attention, is cared for by relatives.那个需要长期照料的女人由亲戚们照看着。




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