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词汇 career
例句 After yet another injury, his football career is in doubt.他再一次受伤,是否能继续他的足球事业还说不准。He made some illustrious contributions in his forty years' career as a public servant.在他服务公职的四十年生涯中,他做出了一些辉煌的贡献。He has had a turbulent political career.他的政治生涯动荡不定。I've got no plans to revive my political career.我没有重拾政治生涯的计划。My personal life has had to take second place to my career.我的私人生活不得不为事业让路。He was modest about his army career.他对自己在部队的经历很是谦逊。She has been busily trying to resurrect her Hollywood career.她一直奔忙,试图重振她的好莱坞演艺生涯。He brought the conversation round to her career.他开始转而谈论她的事业。Her career began as prima donna with the Royal Carl Rosa Opera Company.事业刚起步的时候,她在皇家卡尔·罗莎歌剧团担任首席女歌手。He was now in the twilight of his musical career.他现在正处于音乐生涯的衰退时期。He pursued a career in medicine.他从事医务工作。Suddenly it was borne in on him that he was becoming too old to start a new career.他突然意识到自己已经太老了,不适合开创新的事业。His career suddenly roared back to life.他的事业突然出现了转机。Driven by financial necessity, she decided to give up her writing career.由于经济需要,她决定结束写作生涯。He remembers all the indignities he had to suffer in the early years of his career.他记得事业初期他被迫承受的所有白眼。There was really no shame in losing to Norton at that stage of his career.他在职业生涯的那个阶段败给诺顿确实没有什么可羞愧的。She started her career as a fashion model.她以做时装模特开始了她的事业。After leaving university, Therese decided on a career in publishing.大学毕业后,特蕾泽决定从事出版行业。You shouldn't take up acting as a career; it's a very risky business.你不应该把演戏作为一种职业,这行业很不稳定。Teaching can be a very rewarding career.教书可以是一种很有意义的职业。Jim sacrificed a television career to set up in business and be his own boss.吉姆放弃了电视台的职业,自己创业当老板。You could be on the first rung of a great new career.你会迈进一项伟大的新事业。Her career has been on the up and up since she moved into sales.自从转做销售后,她的事业蒸蒸日上。Politics is an inherently risky career.政治是一项自身存在风险的事业。Chess player Nigel Short faces Anatoly Karpov in the toughest test of his career so far.国际象棋选手奈杰尔·肖特遭遇到他的职业生涯里迄今为止最严峻的考验 — 和阿纳托利·卡尔波夫对弈。Melanie wants to be a lawyer, and Sam's interested in a career in teaching.梅拉妮想当律师,萨姆则对教学工作感兴趣。He's always happy to forward a friend's career.他总是乐于帮助朋友们发展事业。Scientists in search of a challenging career could do worse than consider forensic science.寻求富有挑战性的事业的科学家不妨考虑一下法医学。Walking out without giving any notice will only harm your career.事先不作任何通知就擅离职守只会损害自己的前程。She's leaning toward a career in medicine. 她很可能选择医务工作作为职业。I've put my acting career on the back burner for a while, while I concentrate on my writing.我已经暂时不考虑我的演艺事业,而先集中精力写作。She suffered an injury that precluded the possibility of an athletic career.她受了伤,不可能继续运动生涯了。Before his election to the presidency, Mitterrand had enjoyed a long and varied career.在当选总统之前,密特朗有过一段漫长的职业生涯,干过很多不同的工作。He is trying to resurrect his acting career.他正在努力重振演艺生涯。He followed her career with interest.他饶有兴趣地关注着她的事业。Take care to achieve a balance between career and home life.注意事业和家庭生活一定要做到平衡。The move from TV to movies was a logical development in her career.她的职业生涯从电视转向电影是非常自然的。You could look for a career abroad where environmental jobs are better paid and more secure.你可以在国外找一份工作,那里与环境相关的工作报酬更高,也更稳定。In a fitting coda to his career, he served as ambassador to China.出任驻华大使给他的职业生涯画上了圆满的句号。Taylor began his playing career as an amateur goalkeeper.泰勒的运动生涯是从一名业余守门员开始的。




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