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词汇 careened
例句 He stood to one side as they careened past him.他们在他身边疾驰而过,他赶紧让到一边。The sliding icy road careened the waggon.大车行在湿滑结冰的路上歪斜不稳。The car careened down the hill.汽车失控猛冲下了山。He careened his sailboat to repaint the hull.他将他的帆船倾侧过来重新油漆船体。Men worked on careened dhows while, further out, fishermen beat the waters around their nets.工人们在修理倾侧的独桅三角帆船,稍远处渔夫们在拍打渔网周围的水面。The country has careened from one crisis to another.这个国家接二连三地陷入危机。A shrill cry careened down the street.沿街突然传来一声尖叫。The bus careened off the road and plunged into a river.公共汽车在路上横冲直撞,然后栽进了河里。




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