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词汇 欲望
例句 His mind was filled with hate and the desire for revenge.他的脑子里充满了仇恨和复仇的欲望Her desire was closer to passion than love.她的欲望更近似于激情,而非爱情。All people, she said, lived their lives in bondage to hunger, pain, and lust.她说,所有人的生活都受缚于饥饿、苦痛和欲望James Fox is best known as the author of White Mischief.詹姆斯·福克斯以《欲望城》一书最为出名。She had an almost inhuman desire to succeed.她有一种超出常人的成功欲望According to Freud, our dreams represent our hidden desires.据弗洛伊德所说,我们的梦代表了我们潜在的欲望He felt a compelling need to tell someone about his idea.他感到有一种强烈的欲望要把这一想法告诉别人。Psychologists say that dreams can reveal our secret desires.心理学家认为,梦能揭示我们内心的欲望He had lost his desire to live.他失去了活下去的欲望No matter what desires are requited, they are always replaced by others.不管是何种欲望,一经满足,总是又被其他欲望所代替。He was primarily motivated by the desire for profit.他主要受到营利欲望的驱使。Leith felt an overwhelming compulsion to tell him the truth.利思感到有一股强烈的欲望要把实情告诉他。The conflict between the urge for self-expression and the pressure to conform is a central one for her.想要表现自我的欲望和被迫从众的压力对她来说是一个最主要的冲突。The desire for money is at the bottom of much of the world's violence.对金钱的欲望是世界上许多暴力的根源。He is obsessed by his lust for her.他脑子里全是从肉体上占有她的欲望Everyone is more reluctant to travel these days, not least the Americans.这段时间大家都减少了出游的欲望,美国人尤其如此。All people, she said, lived their lives in bondage to hunger, pain and lust.她说,所有人的生活都受缚于饥饿、苦痛和欲望Geffen has a hunger for success that seems bottomless.格芬的成功欲望似乎永无止境。Their actions were motivated in large measure by a desire for revenge.他们的行动在很大程度上是出于复仇的欲望He has a great desire for fame.他有强烈的成名欲望They were motivated by a deep desire for money and fame.他们受追名逐利的欲望所驱使。Her desire to hit him was so powerful that she had to force herself to leave the room at once.她想揍他的欲望非常强烈,所以她不得不逼着自己马上离开房间。Anna throws her head back and emits a throaty laugh of irrepressible lust.安娜向后仰起头,发出一声低沉的笑声,带着压抑不住的欲望He had a prodigious appetite for both women and drink.他对女人和酒有着强烈的欲望They were actuated by desire.他们受到欲望的驱使。Men fantasise as a substitute for acting out forbidden desires.人类通过幻想宣泄压抑的欲望He smoldered with lust.他压抑着自己的欲望In the nation as a whole there is no desire for war.这个国家整体上没有发动战争的欲望My feelings for Lauren were pure lust.我对劳伦的感觉纯粹是肉体的欲望Her resistance only fanned his desire.她的反抗反而激起了他的欲望These desires gnaw away at us constantly.这些欲望时常让我们苦恼。Nothing could satisfy his desire for power.没有任何东西能满足他对权力的欲望His desire for revenge was very human. 他复仇的欲望是人的本性。The players were tired and lacked motivation.这些队员疲惫不堪,而且获胜欲望不强。Cats have an instinctive desire to hunt.猫天生就有捕食欲望As she held him close she was filled with desire.她抱紧他时,心里充满了欲望Her determination and desire to win spread to the other players.她取胜的决心和欲望感染了其他运动员。His creative drive has been strangled by his sense of political guilt.他的创造欲望已被他的政治负罪感扼杀了。She felt no lust whatsoever for him.她对他没有丝毫欲望The desire for revenge can be overpowering.复仇的欲望有时能压倒一切。




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