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词汇 杂乱无章
例句 Your essay lacks organization; your ideas are all over the place.你的论文条理不清,想法杂乱无章The speaker was muddling along, and nobody could follow what he was trying to say.演讲者在杂乱无章地往下讲,谁也弄不清他在讲些什么。Mary has such a well-ordered household - it makes ours look like total chaos.玛丽把家里打理得井井有条—我们家相比之下真是杂乱无章It was clogged up with sections of discursive polemic.它充斥着一段段杂乱无章的激烈争辩。It's hard to regulate financial systems, but that's not an argument for Rafferty's rules.对金融系统的监管很难,但这并不是说它就该杂乱无章The radio message was an unintelligible garble.那份无线电电文杂乱无章,难以理解。Much of the information he gives is muddled.他提供的情报大多是杂乱无章的。She gazed at the sprawling city spread out below her.她凝视着脚下杂乱无章地绵延着的城市。Urban development has been anarchic.城市的发展显得杂乱无章The park was overgrown and littered from years of neglect.因多年无人管理,公园杂草丛生,杂乱无章We need to sort through the welter of data we have collected.我们需要整理收集来的一大堆杂乱无章的数据。To the listener, this music is incoherent and formless.对于听众来说,这乐曲不连贯,而且杂乱无章The meeting was very disorganized.这次会议组织得杂乱无章The lectures were very disorganized.这些讲座极其杂乱无章Vehicles of every conceivable kind weltered together.各种各样的车辆杂乱无章地混在一起。The city's streets are confusingly arranged.这座城市的街道布局杂乱无章The books on those shelves are out of order. They need to be put in order.书架上的书杂乱无章,需要整理了。The minutes he kept were both scrappy and all but illegible.他的记录杂乱无章,几乎不可辨识。The city is a sprawling chaotic metropolis of some eight million residents.这是一个杂乱无章地扩展的大都市,有八百万左右的人口。The novel is shapeless and lacks compulsion.这本小说杂乱无章,毫无吸引力。The unique charm of our suburbs will be destroyed as the cancerous sprawl of houses spreads.随着杂乱无章的住房不断扩展,我们郊区的独特魅力会被破坏。The town had grown in a somewhat haphazard way.这个镇的发展有些杂乱无章His lecture was too detailed and too formless.他的讲课太琐细,太杂乱无章Earrings, bracelets, and necklaces were all jumbled together in the box.盒子里放着耳环、手镯和项链,杂乱无章Why did you put the volumes of the encyclopedia in haphazard order?你为何把这套百科全书放得杂乱无章It was hard to follow the sprawling plot of the novel.这本小说的故事情节杂乱无章,让人很难弄清楚。From his disjointed ramblings, I gathered he didn't like doctors much.我从他杂乱无章的絮絮叨叨推断,他不太喜欢医生。The letters formed a meaningless jumble.这些信堆得杂乱无章I am sorry for this rambling letter.写了这么一封杂乱无章的信,对不起。




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