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词汇 机械
例句 He just parroted his father's opinions.他只是机械地重复父亲的观点。Copying down the numbers is a boring and mechanical job.抄写数字是项既无趣又机械的工作。The wedge is an important early mechanical invention.楔子是一项重要的早期机械发明。In the distance I could hear the chug of farm machinery.我可以听见远处农场机械的突突声。Automation is beginning to release workers from the bondage of mindless, repetitive toil.自动化正开始把工人从机械简单又刻板重复的苦役中解放出来。It is real prayer, and not mechanical repetition.这是真正的祈祷,不是机械的重复。They moved numbly through their routine.他们机械地例行公事。Police are giving the trucks mechanical checkups.警察正在对卡车作机械检查。The candidates gave Pavlovian answers.那些候选人作了机械的回答。The main sign of patent ductus arteriosus is a mechanical hum from the heart.动脉导管未闭的主要迹象是心脏部分有机械嗡嗡声。I quit my job at the factory because I hated the mindless repetition.我辞掉了工厂工作,因为我厌恶机械的重复动作。They charted the reliability of every part of the machinery, including consumable components such as oil filters and fan belts.他们详细标出了这些机械每个部件的可靠性,包括滤油器和风扇皮带等消耗性部件。He was not mechanically-minded.他没有学机械的头脑。These tasks are numbingly repetitive.这些任务机械繁复,索然无味。I've been looking for employment in the machine trade.我一直在寻找机械贸易方面的工作。Most crops are harvested mechanically.大多数农作物都是机械收割的。The motor kept cutting out because the machinery was jammed.因为机械运转部件被卡住,发动机老是熄火。Mechanical defects were responsible for the accident.机械上的毛病是这次事故的原因。He did his job as though he were on autopilot.他干起活来很机械She imitated her teacher by rote.机械地模仿她的老师。The mechanic is still trying to locate the source of the problem.那个机械修理工仍在试图找到问题的根源。She used to give lectures at the Mechanics' Institute.她过去常在机械学院授课。He nodded mechanically, his eyes fixed on the girl.机械地点了点头,目不转睛地盯着那个女孩。I spent many hours mindlessly banging a tennis ball against the wall.我好几个小时都在机械地往墙上打网球。She studied mechanical/civil/chemical engineering.她学习机械/土木/化学工程。Many new things in the home have spun off from the machinery of space travel.家庭用的许多新东西已作为宇航机械的副产品被生产出来。She was just mouthing the usual meaningless platitudes about the need for reform.她只是在机械地重复那些毫无意义的关于需要改革的陈词滥调。The mechanic dismantled the engine to repair it.机械修理工把发动机拆开进行维修。The barn was full of rusting old farm machinery.谷仓里全是些锈迹斑斑的旧农耕机械Under the old system pupils often had to stand to attention and repeat lessons parrot fashion.在旧体制下,学生常常得立正站好,机械地重复课文。Charles Babbage's mechanical calculating engines were the antecedents of the modern computer.查尔斯•巴贝奇的机械计算机是现代计算机的前身。The machinery company was a front operation for arms smuggling.那家机械公司只不过是为走私军火打掩护而已。The factory is going over to computerised machinery and many workers are losing their jobs.工厂将改用电脑操作机械,许多工人会因此失业。She gave a mechanical reply.她给了一个机械的回答。I've always been hopeless with machinery.我对机械一直是一窍不通。The company is planning to major on offering the machines we need.这家公司正在计划专门提供我们所需的机械Over time, driving just becomes automatic.时间长了,开车也就成了一个机械的过程。Mechanical filters draw air through flat, coarse fibres.机械过滤器抽取空气使之通过绷平的粗纤维。The air was circulated mechanically.空气循环是靠机械驱动的。The automobile is an integration of a multitude of machine parts.汽车是集大量机械部件而成的统一整体。




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