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The evidence is corroborated by multiple sources.多种消息源都证实了这一证据。Her testimony was corroborated by the other witnesses.她的证言得到了其他证人的证实。Two witnesses corroborated his story.两个目击者证实了他的说法。Professor Carling's findings have been corroborated by more recent research.卡林教授的发现已被近来更多的研究工作所证实。Levine claims that a third car was involved in the accident and witnesses have corroborated this.莱文声称事故涉及第三辆车,目击者已证实了这一点。Details of the killings were corroborated by official documents.谋杀的细节得到了官方文件的确证。The theory has been corroborated by recent studies.这一理论已被最近的几次研究证实。I had access to a wide range of documents which corroborated the story.我能够查阅证实这一报道的大量文献。A visual examination corroborated this.肉眼检查证明如此。Alice corroborated what Blair had said.艾丽斯证实了布莱尔所说的。The witness corroborated the accused's statement.证人证实了被告的陈述。He corroborated all the details which involved him.他证实了涉及他的全部细节。 |