例句 |
The service is better and correspondingly more expensive.服务越好,相应地也越贵。As his political power has shrunk, he has grown correspondingly more dependent on the army.随着他政治权力的萎缩,他相应地也就越来越依赖于军队了。As the cost of steel goes up, building costs will rise correspondingly.钢材价格上涨,建筑成本也会相应增加。The downside is that losses can be correspondingly large.不利的一面是损失可能也相应非常巨大。Japanese living quarters are small with correspondingly small appliances.日本人的住房小,各种器具也相应的小。As his political stature has shrunk, he has grown correspondingly more dependent on the army.随着他政治声望的降低,他对军队的依赖度相应增加了。 |