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词汇 机会
例句 We knew from the very beginning that it was a question of freedom of speech. All we wanted was our day in court.我们从一开始就知道这是言论自由的问题。我们只要求有发表意见的机会Will you have an opportunity to see him?你有机会见到他吗? It is only once in a blue moon that you get an opportunity like that.你居然得到那么好的一个机会,真是千载难逢啊。The opportunity arose for a new position to be created.设置一个新职位的机会来了。I had the rare/unique opportunity of speaking to the president.我得到了跟总裁对话的难得/唯一机会He had just given a trial to a young woman who said she had previous experience.他刚给了一位声称自己有从业经验的年轻女子一次试用机会Two lucky employees won a round-the-world trip.两名幸运的雇员赢得了一次环游世界的机会It was my teacher who opened the door for me.是我的老师给了我机会The programme gives people a chance to argue their ideas.这个项目给了人们一个为自己的想法展开辩论的机会We mustn't give these groups a platform for their propaganda.我们不能给这些团体宣传机会He blew an opportunity to make a lot of money in the stock market.他错失了在股市赚大钱的机会Now he had his chance to shine and he wasn't going to miss out.现在他有机会出人头地,他不会错失良机的。Pupils would be offered on-the-job training leading to the certification of their skill in a particular field.学生将得到在岗培训的机会,从而获得某一行业的技能合格证书。She deserves the chance to meet/confront her accuser.她理应得到与指控她的人对质的机会The purpose of the scheme is not to help the employers but to provide work for young people.这个计划不是为了帮助雇主,而是为了给年轻人提供工作机会Sullivan never misses a chance to slam the tobacco industry.沙利文从来不会错过抨击烟草工业的机会。!They also stress the need for improved employment opportunities, better transport and health care.他们同时也强调需要增加就业机会,改善交通和医疗保健服务。If she let this chance slip, she would regret it for the rest of her life.如果她让这次机会溜走,她会后悔一辈子的。If someone invited me over to Florida, I'd jump at the chance.如果有人邀请我去佛罗里达,我会赶紧抓住这个机会I think if she were given the opportunity to work here, she'd pounce on it.我觉得如果给她机会在这里工作,她会欣然接受的。He was itching for a chance to show how good he was.他渴望能有个机会展现自己的实力。I have relived that game many times and I still don't know how I missed the goal.那场比赛我回忆了好多次,仍不明白我是怎么会错过那个进球机会的。Substandard schools deny children the chance to learn.不合格的学校不给孩子们学习的机会You have had more opportunities than most, and yet you, too, fall short.你比大多数人都更有机会,然而,你也不合要求。This is your last chance to win the league so don't piss it away.这是你们赢得联赛的最后一次机会,别浪费了。You had every opportunity to make a complaint.你当时完全有机会去投诉。They blew their chance to go second in the league.他们丢了在联赛中升到第二的机会Many children are done out of a chance for a good education.许多儿童被剥夺受良好教育的机会Has everyone had a chance to put their point of view?每个人都有机会发表自己的看法吗?The prison now offers inmates the chance to study and take exams.该监狱现在向犯人提供学习和考试的机会Studying abroad provides a great opportunity to learn a foreign language.出国留学为学习外语提供了很好的机会A serious injury blighted her chances of an international career.一次重伤令她从事跨国工作的机会落了空。He muffed his chance for a promotion.他把升职的机会搞砸了。It is surprising that it has taken people so long to take advantage of what is a win-win opportunity.真奇怪,人们居然用了这么长时间才把握住一个万无一失的机会Hundreds of people queued for a chance to meet him.数百人排队等候,希望有机会见到他。The player was given hardly any opportunities to show off his talents.那位选手几乎没有得到什么机会展示自己的天赋。It's a challenging role that will give him a chance to show off his acting chops. 这个角色颇具挑战性,将使他的表演天赋有机会得以展现。Opportunities like this are few and far between.像这样的机会很罕见。The meetings give employees the opportunity to express their views or air grievances.这些会议给雇员机会发表个人观点或公开讨论各种不满。The meeting gave everyone the chance to air their views.会议给了每个人发表意见的机会




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