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词汇 未能
例句 In the end I was unable to attend the conference, owing to financial difficulties.由于经济拮据,最终我未能去参加会议。The team are still stunned by their elimination from the World Cup.该队仍然未能摆脱被淘汰出世界杯的沉重打击。The country's intellectuals are also being taken to task for their failure to speak out against the regime.该国知识分子也因未能公开反对该政权受到了指责。The symphony failed to congeal as a single oeuvre.这部交响乐未能融为有机整体。Because of bad weather the trains were not running to time.因为气候恶劣,火车未能按时运行。 Pensions failed to keep up with inflation.退休金的涨幅未能与通货膨胀同步。They failed to revive her sagging spirits.他们未能让她从萎靡消沉中振作起来。The engine/cylinders failed to fire.发动机/汽缸未能启动。My reflections brought forth no conclusion.我思考后未能得出结论。She didn't play well enough to be selected for the team.她表现欠佳,未能入选该队。Jonathan failed his law exams at the end of the year.乔纳森年底的法律考试未能及格。He has failed a dope test for cocaine.未能通过可卡因药检。Sara panicked in the exam and didn't do herself justice.萨拉在考试中由于紧张未能充分发挥自己的水平。If you couldn't attend either of the concerts and are currently gnashing your teeth at having missed out, don't despair.如果这两场音乐会你都未能参加并且正在为错失机会而懊恼的话,别灰心。Failing to throttle the engine down in time, he crashed the motorcycle into the fence.他因未能及时调小油门,驾着摩托车猛撞在围栏上。The parties have not been able to reach/negotiate a settlement in the case.各方未能在这一问题上达成一致。The Board had been slow to render its verdict.董事会迟迟未能作出决定。Many books once lauded have not worn very well.许多一度受人称颂的书未能久享盛誉。The manoeuvre failed to dislodge the rebels.这个计策未能赶走叛乱分子。The United Nations have been unable to distribute food around the country, other than by air.联合国还未能通过空运以外的途径把食品分发到全国各地。The guidance systems didn't work and the missile couldn't hit its target.导航系统失灵,导弹未能命中目标。Backley was bitterly disappointed when an injury prevented him from competing in the Olympic Games.巴克利对自己因伤未能去参加奥运会感到很失望。Local authorities have been condemned for failing to tackle the problem of homelessness.地方当局被指责未能处理好无家可归者的问题。Successive governments failed to co-ordinate a national transport policy.接连几届政府都未能协调出一个全国性的交通运输政策。The company claims that its failure to deliver the materials on time is due to bad weather and other extenuating circumstances.这家公司声称,他们未能按时递送材料是因为天气不好和其他情有可原的情况。She had not yet been able to piece together exactly what had happened.她还未能把发生的事情完全拼凑起来。The police are failing to take adequate measures to check the growth in crime.警方未能采取适当的措施来阻止犯罪率上升。Bad weather caused several delays with the result that the work was not completed on time. 工作因恶劣天气造成数次延误而未能按期完成。All our efforts have failed to produce an agreement.我们尽了全力也未能达成一致。By an unfortunate oversight, full instructions do not come with the product.由于一个不幸的疏忽,产品未能附上完整的说明。Don's lifejacket had failed to inflate.唐的救生衣未能充气膨胀。The Prime Minister was savaged by the press for failing to take action quickly enough.首相因未能迅速采取行动而受到新闻界的猛烈抨击。Neither company has succeeded in shedding its stodgy image.两家公司都未能摆脱其刻板乏味的形象。He defaulted in the quarter-finals with a back injury.在四分之一决赛中,他由于背部受伤而未能发挥应有的作用。His films have not stood up well over time.他的电影未能经受住时间的检验。Her explanation failed to satisfy the jury.她的解释未能让陪审团信服。Our government can't even get around to forcing a ban on fox hunting.我们的政府甚至未能强制推行猎狐禁令。He criticised the government for failing to halt economic decline.他批评政府未能遏制经济下滑。It's a shame I haven't seen more of you these recent years.真遗憾,最近几年我未能经常见到你。She had a chance to catch the ball, but she failed to make the play.她本有机会接住球使对方出局,但未能接住。




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