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词汇 come to terms with
例句 They are still struggling to come to terms with their grief.他们仍在努力克制他们的悲伤。We need to come to terms with reality.我们必须屈服于现实。The company has come to terms with the union.这家公司与工会达成协议。He managed to come to terms with his illness.他设法忍住了疾病的痛苦。He'd finally come to terms with that company.他最后还是与那家公司达成了协议。She had come to terms with the fact that her husband would always be crippled.她只好接受了丈夫将终生残疾这个现实。It will take quite a while to come to terms with what has happened.要接受既成事实还需相当长的一段时间。She has found it hard to come to terms with the demands of her job.她发现难以接受工作对她的要求。He struggled to come to terms with the ending of the relationship.他努力接受这段关系已结束的事实。She needed time to come to terms with her grief.她需要时间来接受自己的伤心事。It took Helen a long time to come to terms with her infertility.过了很久海伦才接受了自己不能生育这个事实。We have to come to terms with the present.我们必须接受现实。He had to reorient and come to terms with this situation.他非重新适应并接受这一局面不可。This man drank rather heavily in an effort to come to terms with his own inadequacies.这个人狂饮一通,努力让自己去接受自身的不完美。Margery's grieving family battled to come to terms with their loss.玛格丽万分悲痛的家人努力从丧亲之痛中恢复过来。He couldn't come to terms with his sexuality.他难以接受自己的性取向。Germany has shown real determination to come to terms with the anti-Semitism of its past.德国表现出正视自己反犹主义历史的诚意。He is trying to come to terms with his club's elimination from the tournament.他在努力接受他的俱乐部在锦标赛中遭到淘汰的事实。This is to help her to come to terms with her early upbringing and make sense of past experiences.这旨在帮助她认可自己早先所受的教育,并让她了解自己过去的经历。She has come to terms with her fate.她已听天由命了。She had come to terms with the fact that her husband would always be in a wheelchair.她已经接受了丈夫将坐一辈子轮椅的现实。It took him a long time to come to terms with the end of his marriage.他花了很长时间才接受婚姻已结束的现实。He is struggling to come to terms with his dwindling authority.他正努力适应自己权力被削弱这一局面。Counselling helped her come to terms with her grief.心理咨询帮助她减轻了悲痛。It was hard to come to terms with her death after all the support she gave to me and the family.她曾经给予我和家人莫大的帮助,她的死讯令人难以接受。




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