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词汇 structure
例句 Linguistics is the study of the structure of language.语言学是研究语言结构的科学。This sentence is extremely complex in its grammatical structure.这个句子的语法结构极为复杂。We know a lot about the structure of genes now.如今我们对基因的结构有了较多的了解。The Congress voted down a motion to change the union's structure.国会投票否决了改变工会结构的动议。The Japanese tried to graft their own methods on to this different structure.日本人试图将自己的方法移植到这种不同的体制中。Headings and sub-headings further clarify the structure of the article.标题和小标题使文章的结构更加清楚。The structure appears to be suspended in space.建筑物看起来像是飘浮在太空中。She has very little structure in her life.她的生活毫无条理。Engineers found the structure had been corroded by moisture.工程师们发现该建筑已经受潮腐蚀。These kids require a lot of structure and stability.这些孩子需要大量精心的安排和相当的稳定。The station building was a high wooden structure with a curved roof.车站大楼是一幢高高的木结构建筑物,有着弧形的屋顶。The company's structure is rigidly hierarchical.公司的组织结构等级森严。Draw a simple diagram of the leaf structure.画一张树叶结构简图。The chronological sequence gives the book an element of structure.时间顺序让这本书有了一定的结构。The structure of the new school is excellent.这所新学校的校舍结构非常好。They studied the compound's chemical structure/composition/properties.他们研究了这种化合物的化学结构/成分/特性。The claim exposed a weak point in the structure of facts upon which his argument rested.这一主张暴露了支撑他论点的论据结构的一个弱点。I wondered how the structure was held together.我不知道这座建筑物的各部分是怎么连接在一起的。We just are not paying attention to the structure of cities.我们恰恰没关注这些城市的建设格局。Dillons is understood to be reorganising the company's management structure.据说狄龙斯正在重组公司的管理架构。The metal structure is corroding badly and needs to be replaced.金属架子腐蚀得很厉害,需要进行更换。We have to change the corporate structure to survive.我们必须改组公司以继续生存。Carol Drinkwater is blessed with a fine bone structure that stands up better to the ravages of time.卡罗尔·德林克沃特生就一副好身板,经过岁月历练还那么硬朗。Nursing offers excellent training and a good career structure.护理专业提供优秀的训练和良好的职业结构。When faced with an unfamiliar word, good readers are able to make guesses based on the meaning and structure of the sentence.善于读书的人遇见不熟悉的单词会根据句子的含义和结构去猜。The survey reflected a very conservative view about what the ideal family structure should be.这次调查反映了人们在什么是理想的家庭结构这一问题上看法非常保守。The diagram illustrates the complexity of the cell's structure.这张图表显示了细胞结构的复杂性。A wide base will make the structure much more stable.宽宽的底座能使结构更加稳固。The company needs to reorganize its management structure.这家公司需要重组其管理体系。Bonger advocated a relativist position. In his view, what is considered immoral depends on the social structure.邦格提倡一种相对论的观点。在他看来,是不是不道德取决于社会结构。Because of its layered structure, mica is fissile.云母是分层结构的,所以很容易裂开。They are making changes to the power structure of the church/university.他们正在改革教会/大学的权力机构。There were concerns that the pricing structure discouraged competition.人们担心价格体系会妨碍竞争。They have a very old-fashioned management structure.他们的管理体系非常落伍。The unions have resisted attempts to change the pay structure.工会抵制了改变工资结构的企图。The film had a simple narrative structure.这部电影叙事结构简单。This plywood addition helps to strengthen the structure.多层胶合板有助于加固结构。The world's oil price structure collapsed with the failure of the major exporters to agree on a new base price.由于主要石油出口国未能就新的基本价格达成协议,世界石油价格体系崩溃了。The Children's Palace is a great sprawling structure.少年宫是一座占地广阔的巨大建筑物。If you use your imagination, the front of this modern metal structure looks like two people dancing.如果你发挥想象,这个现代金属结构的正面看起来就像两个人在跳舞。




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