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词汇 struck
例句 He was killed when he was struck by a car as he walked to his hotel.他步行去旅馆的路上被一辆车撞死了。The censor struck out the next two lines.审查员删除了接下来的两行。Her car went out of control and struck an oncoming vehicle.她的汽车失控,撞上了迎面开来的一辆车。She struck a dramatic pose.她摆了一个夸张的姿势。We certainly struck it lucky with the weather.我们真幸运,遇上了好天气。He struck out in the direction I had indicated.他朝我所指的方向走去。He struck a flame and drew on the pipe.他划了根火柴,抽起了烟斗。The illness struck while he was touring.他在旅游期间突然患病。The next morning it struck me that there was no shower in the flat.第二天早上我突然想起这套公寓没有淋浴设备。They struck him with their rifle butts.他们用步枪的枪托打他。One cannot help being struck by a surprising omission.所有人不由得因为一处出人意料的遗漏而感到震惊。They struck camp in the morning.他们在早晨撤营。She struck out on her own after graduation.她毕业后开始自力更生。She struck the snow from the branches of an old cedar with gray lichen.她把长有灰色地衣的老雪松树枝上的雪打了下来。When he met Francesca's aunt he was instantly struck by the family resemblance.当他见到弗朗西丝卡的姨妈时,顿时很吃惊,他们一家人长得那么像。As a tiny baby she was struck down by polio.还是个小婴儿时她就患上了小儿麻痹症。Reading Bready's unpublished memoirs, I was struck by her courage and resilience.读了布雷迪那本未出版的回忆录后,我被她的勇气和坚韧所感动。James struck up a friendship with a small boy who owned a pony on the island.詹姆斯和小岛上一个养了一匹小马的小男孩儿交上了朋友。Kennedy was struck down by an assassin's bullet.肯尼迪被暗杀者的子弹夺去了性命。The player doubled up in pain after an object struck him.被物体击中后,那名选手疼得弓起了身子。A bargain was struck between the employers and the unions.雇主与工会之间达成了协议。The murderer has struck again.凶手又一次作案。He was struck by the tableau the three of them made.他们三个搞的戏剧性场面把他迷住了。Beth was struck by how Naomi took the mistake in her stride.娜奥米在失误面前的处乱不惊给贝丝留下了深刻印象。Jim is cautiously optimistic that a deal may now be struck.吉姆对现在可能有一笔生意成交持谨慎乐观的态度。The home team struck first on the opening drive.主队开场抢得先机,首先得分。He struck out blindly.他乱打一通。The wind struck a chill into my bones.风吹得我寒冷彻骨。He has struck the right note by praising their work.他恰到好处地表扬了他们的工作。The huge tree split when struck by lightning.这棵大树遭雷击时被劈开了。The ship struck the rocks head on.那条船船头触礁。When he arrived at the scene of the disaster, he was struck dumb with horror and amazement.他赶到受灾现场,吓得目瞪口呆。Brazil struck first with a goal in the third minute.巴西队第三分钟先射入一球取得先机。He insists he has struck no bargains for their release.他坚称他没有就他们的获释达成过任何交易。We made it home before the storm struck/broke. 我们在暴风雨来临之前赶到家。He was suddenly struck with such a sense of grief that his eyes filled with tears.他突然感到非常悲伤,眼里噙满了泪水。We can be struck off the roll for that.我们会为此而被开除的。The cuttings have struck roots.这些插枝已经生了根。He was suddenly struck with such a sense of grief, of loss, that his eyes filled with tears.一种悲伤、失落感突然袭来,他不由得眼泪汪汪。I trailed her into Penney's and struck up a conversation.我跟着她进了彭尼家然后开始交谈起来。




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