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词汇 strong wind
例句 The strong wind rolled the waves onto the shore.大风吹着海浪滚上海岸。There was still a strong wind blowing inshore.仍有强风吹向海岸。The distortion of the trees was caused by the strong wind.树被大风刮得变了形。The strong wind drifted the snow in piles.大风将雪吹刮成堆。He reached after his hat at once,but it was blown away by the strong wind.他赶紧伸手去抓他的帽子,但已被大风吹走。You can feel the slight craziness of the tower in a strong wind.在强风中你能够感觉到塔在轻轻摇晃。A strong wind lashed against the tent.狂风猛吹帐篷。The strong wind is drifting the snow.大风正刮雪成堆。Trees were going down like ninepins in the strong wind.树木在狂风中横七竖八倒了一地。First, let's set the scene - it was a dark, wet night with a strong wind blowing.首先,我们来描述一下故事发生的背景——那是一个漆黑的夜晚,下着雨,狂风呼啸。They felt the edge of a strong wind.他们感到强风凛冽。A flag on the top of the house stirred loudly in the strong wind.屋顶上的一面旗子在狂风中哗哗啦啦地抖个不停。The strong wind rattled the windows.大风吹得窗户格格作响。The strong wind almost knocked him off of his precarious perch on the edge of the cliff.他在悬崖边站得不稳,大风差点把他饮下悬崖。The shanty tottered in the strong wind and fell.棚屋在大风中摇摇晃晃,最后倒塌了。The fire spread very rapidly because of the strong wind.风很大,火势迅速蔓延开来。The young trees wavered in the strong wind.小树在狂风中摇曳。The boat made little headway against the strong wind.船由于遇到强风几乎无法前进。The strong wind troubled the sea.大风使大海翻腾起来。The sails swelled in the strong wind.劲风使船帆鼓起。The flag was whipping in the strong wind.旗子在大风中剧烈抖动。A strong wind blew dust around me.一阵疾风在我周围吹起尘土。A strong wind was blowing across the lake.一阵强风刮过湖面。The strong wind raved through the forest.大风呼啸着掠过森林。The strong wind made me wink.大风吹得我直眨眼。The door flip-flopped in the strong wind.门被大风吹得砰砰直响。A strong wind was blowing from the east.一阵大风从东边刮来。A strong wind sprang up soon after we left the harbour.我们出港后不久就刮起了大风。There was a strong wind.狂风肆虐。It started to rain and a strong wind blew, but he pressed on regardless.开始下雨了,还刮起了大风,但他仍不顾一切继续前进。A strong wind was blowing across the moors.一阵大风吹过荒野。In such a strong wind it was almost impossible to light a fire.风那么大,几乎都点不着火。The sails were hove by the strong wind.大风吹得风帆鼓鼓的。The yacht's sails billowed out in the strong wind.游船的帆在强风中张得满满的。[见 belly out]




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