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词汇 木棍
例句 I shut the shed door and wedged it with a log of wood.我关上小屋的门,并用一根木棍将门楔住。The boy teased the dog by rapping a stick on the fence.男孩用木棍敲打围栏来逗狗。The dog came bounding back with the stick for Richard to throw again.那只狗蹦蹦跳跳地叼着木棍跑回来,让理查德再扔出去。The dog came bounding back with the stick for Richard to throw again.那只狗蹦跳着叼回了木棍,交给理查德让他再扔出去。Using ropes and wooden poles for leverage, they haul sacks of cement up the track.利用绳子和木棍取得杠杆作用,他们把几大袋水泥从轨道上拖开。She used a stick to describe a circle on the ground.她用木棍在地上画了个圆圈。He is wielding a big stick.他正挥动着一根大木棍Police said that the child had been beaten with a stick.警方说那个孩子被人用木棍打了。She stabbed at the dead animal with a stick.她用木棍捅那只动物的尸体。We learned how to rub two sticks together to start a fire.我们学会了如何用两根木棍相互摩擦取火。They throw sticks and dirt clods up into the air.他们把木棍和土块扔向空中。He couldn't reach the apple, even with a stick.他甚至用一根木棍也够不到那个苹果。




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