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词汇 treating
例句 They are treating this as a trial run for their marathon later this month.他们把这个看作是本月晚些时候马拉松赛的一次试跑。He appeared to be treating the potentially explosive situation with some sensitivity.他似乎正小心地应对可能一触即发的局势。They were treating only the symptoms of the disease rather than its underlying cause.他们看病治标不治本。Scientists are developing an alternative approach to treating the disease.科学家正在研发治疗该疾病的另一种方法。He is accused of consistently and callously ill-treating his wife.他被指控一直虐待妻子,下手狠毒。For a moment she felt a pang of guilt about the way she was treating him.有一阵子,她为自己那样对他感到内疚。You are treating him all wrong.你待他太不公平了。I don't approve of the way he treats his wife. = I don't approve of him treating his wife the way he does.我不赞成他对待妻子的方式。When treating any health problem, it's always important to consider the underlying causes.在治疗疾病时,找出根本病因总是重要的。Penicillin has a high success rate in treating bacterial infections.青霉素治疗细菌感染的成功率很高。I wish you'd stop treating me like a child!我真希望你对我别再像对待小孩子一样了。One of these days, he'll get his comeuppance for treating people so arrogantly.他待人如此傲慢,总有一天会遭报应的。Antibiotics used for treating cattle could get into the food chain.用于治疗牛的疾病的抗生素可能会进入食物链。The hospital specializes in treating disorders of the brain.这家医院专门治疗脑疾。Doctors are treating him for cancer.医生正给他治疗癌症。That quack doesn't know anything about treating heart disease.那个冒牌医生对治疗心脏病一窍不通。After my nervous breakdown, everyone kept treating me with kid gloves.自从我精神崩溃以后,大家都对我小心翼翼的。He is treating the semi-finals as a tune-up.他把半决赛当作是一场热身赛。There are new trends toward treating the library as a nexus for resource centre development.存在着种种把图书馆作为资料中心发展过程中一环的新趋势。Medical science has not yet found a satisfactory method of treating cholera.医学上还未找到令人满意的方法来治疗霍乱。The teachers were very old-fashioned, treating any new ideas with contempt and scorn.教师们都很保守古板,对任何新思想都嗤之以鼻。He sent word to his family that his captors were treating him well.他给家人捎了个口信,说劫持者待他还好。He insured himself against failure by treating only people he was sure he could cure.他仅仅治疗有把握治愈的病人,以使自己免于失败。They were treating symptoms and not the root cause.他们是治标不治本。Neighbours were sure that the young couple had been ill-treating their children.邻居们确信这对年轻夫妇一直在虐待他们的孩子。Police are treating the man's death as suicide.警方把这名男子的死列为自杀案处理。I heard the ointment is effective for treating lichen.我听说这软膏治苔癣病有效。Ecologists argue that the benefits of treating sewage with disinfectants are doubtful.生态学家认为用消毒剂处理污水是否有益值得怀疑。Scientists are developing a new wonder drug for treating arthritis.科学家们正在研发一种治疗关节炎的新型特效药。He was treating me badly, so I left - I just wanted to teach him a lesson.他待我不好,所以我走了一我只想给他一个教训。Police are treating the matter as a murder investigation.警察把这件事按凶杀案进行调查。There is considerable room for improvement in state facilities for treating the mentally handicapped.国家现有的用于智障病人治疗的设施还有相当大的改进余地。The fact that we are at war does not justify treating innocent people as criminals.虽然我们处于交战状态,并不代表可以把无辜者当作罪犯对待。Drugs are useless in treating the condition.医治这种病,药物是不起作用的。You can't go around treating people so rudely.你不能对他人如此无礼。I'm sick of my parents treating me like a child.我父母把我当成小孩子;真让我讨厌。The purpose of the experiment is to find better ways of treating battlefield wounds.该实验旨在找出更好的方法治疗战场上的伤员。Doctors treating him say he is still groggy and may have suffered brain damage.给他治疗的医生说,他仍然晕乎乎的,脑部可能受了伤。Some claim that the herb has therapeutic value for treating pain.有些人称这种草药具有止痛的疗效。The drug is effective at treating depression.该药治疗抑郁症有效。




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