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词汇 treats
例句 He treats me like a skivvy.他对待我就像对待用人似的。The cafe serves an assortment of gourmet treats.这家小餐馆供应各种美味佳肴。I remember how Grandma loved to cook, loved to fix special treats.我记得祖母喜欢烹饪,喜欢做些平日吃不到的美味佳肴。She treats him like shit.她对待他猪狗不如。She treats him as if he were a stranger.她待他如陌生人。She treats me like one of the family.她把我当作家人对待。He treats his subordinates kindly.他对待下级和蔼可亲。It's hard to hang on to your dignity when everyone treats you as if you're old and senile.当大家都把你当作老糊涂时,你很难保持自尊。My boss is a mean and nasty old man who treats everyone badly.我的老板是一个刻薄又讨厌的老头,对待每个人都很不友善。His professed love of women seems a little odd when you consider how he treats them.想想他是怎么对待妇女的,他自称爱她们,真有点可笑。It's despicable the way he treats those kids.他那样对待那些孩子,真卑鄙。He treats everything I say as a joke.他把我说的每件事都当作玩笑。He's fair and always treats everyone decently.他为人公正,总是对每个人都很友好。He treats himself to lots of time to spare.他会享用大量的业余时间。She treats everyone fairly.她公平地对待每一个人。She treats everything I say as a joke.我说什么她都当是开玩笑。Although he is a grown man, everyone treats him like a boy.虽然他已是个成年人了,但大家还把他当个孩子。She always treats animals kindly.她总是善待动物。The way he treats his mother is so sweet.他对待自己的母亲可真体贴。He treats his women staff as if they're all airheads.他把他手下的女员工都当成是蠢货。The book analyses why women kill and how the law treats them.该书分析了女性杀人的动机以及法律对此是如何规定的。She treats us with kindness and forgiveness.她对我们既友善又宽容。I want to convey to children that reading is one of life's greatest treats.我想告诉孩子们,阅读是生活中最大的乐事之一。She never lets her personal likes and dislikes affect the way she treats people.她从来不让个人的好恶影响她对人的态度。He treats her like a slave.他把她当奴隶对待。He treats his elder sister as though she were a stranger.他待他姊姊如陌生人。An experienced nurse treats all minor injuries.一位有经验的护士处理所有的轻伤。Grandpa is an old softie; he always gives us treats.祖父是一位心软的老好人;他老是给我们好吃的、好玩的。Such ingratitude! After all I've done for him, he treats me like dirt.如此的忘恩负义!我为他做了那么多,他却把我不当人看待。The book treats the subject chronologically.这本书按时间顺序对这一主题做了阐述。Everyone treats me with wary respect.每个人对我都小心翼翼、毕恭毕敬。The hotel prides itself on being a good employer that treats its staff well.这家旅馆以身为优待员工的好雇主而自豪。He treats us all like his lackeys.他把我们当作可任由他差遣的跟班。I don't know why he stays with her – she treats him like dirt.我不知道为什么他还跟她在一起 — 她根本不把他当人看。He treats people inconsiderately.他不把别人当回事。The book analyses why women kill and how the law treats them.这本书分析了女性为何杀人以及法律如何对待她们。The new hotel chain has won kudos for the way it treats guests.这家新的连锁酒店因待客热情周到已经赢得了赞誉。He treats them unequally.他把他们区别对待。He often treats me with indifference.他对我常常漠不关心。The boss treats everyone alike.老板对大家一视同仁。




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