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词汇 treated
例句 He treated himself to some ice cream.他给自己买了一些冰激凌。We were treated like cattle, herded into this pit in the freezing cold.我们在大冷天被人像赶牛一样赶进了这个又脏又乱的屋子。Sylvie could still remember the hurt of being treated like an outsider.西尔维还记得被当作局外人来对待所受的伤害。She was later treated for cuts to her arm and back.后来她胳膊和后背上的伤口得到了处理。She still has/holds/bears a grudge against him for the way he treated her in school.她仍然记恨上学时他曾那样对待过她。His cancer had now advanced so far that it could not be treated.他的癌症现在已发展到晚期,无法治疗了。Has the water been treated?这水处理过了吗?The threat is not being treated with the gravity it deserves.恐吓没有得到应有的重视。The olives are heat treated during the second pressing.橄榄在第二次压榨时经过热处理。They treated me like a member of their family.他们待我如家人。They treated me as if I was a leper.他们把我当成避之唯恐不及的人。She had to be treated for hypothermia and dehydration.她因为体温过低和脱水而必须接受治疗。The organization has been the subject of severe criticism for the way it treated its staff.这个机构如此对待员工,受到了严厉的指责。Many of the prisoners were treated very harshly.许多囚犯受到虐待。Thorpe was treated in the casualty department at Middlesborough General.索普在米德尔斯伯勒综合医院的急诊部接受治疗。The police were on the wrong track when they treated the case as a revenge killing.警方将案件当作仇杀案来办理是搞错了方向。Many of the women are treated like second-class citizens.许多妇女受到二等公民的待遇。She faces a slow lingering death if the cancer isn't treated now.若现在不对她的癌症加以治疗,她所面临的就会是漫长而痛苦的死亡。He treated you very nicely and acted like a decent guy.他对你非常友善,举止也像个正派人。I hate being treated as an invalid.我讨厌被人当作伤病号对待。Artie treated most women with indifference.阿蒂对大多数女人都漠不关心。The way we have been treated is pitiful.我们受到了极差的对待。He treated his elders with complete irreverence.他对长辈极其无礼。She was treated for dehydration.她因脱水而接收治疗。People rightly insist on being treated as individuals.人们坚持要求被当作独立个体对待是合理的。The woman in charge was a martinet who treated us like children.那管事的女人是个执行纪律很严格的人,她拿我们像孩子一样对待。After the way he treated you, I wouldn't blame you if you never spoke to him again.他那样对待你,即使你再也不理他,我也不怪你。No one would suggest that sex offenders should be treated lightly.没有人会提出对性侵犯者从轻发落。They've been treated unfairly, and it's time to redress the balance. 他们受到了不公正的待遇,现在是公平处理的时候了。Children are often powerless to fight back when they are treated unfairly.孩子们受到不公正的待遇时,通常无力反抗。My parents treated us all the same when we were kids.小时候父母对我们一视同仁。Despite her seniority, Margot was never treated with much respect.玛戈尽管是长辈,但从未受到多少尊重。Children, if they are used to being treated with respect, will behave accordingly.如果孩子一直受尊重,那么他们也会尊重别人。Too many teachers are treated with a lack of respect.有太多的老师得不到尊重。In an ideal world, would everyone get treated equally?在理想世界里,每个人都会得到平等待遇吗?I intend to speak to the manager about the way I have been treated.我打算跟经理谈谈我所受到的对待。We had a big fight that fall, and from then on he never treated me the same.那年秋天我们大吵了一场,从那以后他待我就不一样了。They accepted her claim that she had been ill-treated.他们相信了她受过虐待的说法。He treated me like a skivvy.他对待我就像对待干粗活的仆人一样。Severe migraine can be treated with a drug which constricts the blood vessels.严重的偏头疼可以用一种收缩血管的药物进行治疗。




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