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词汇 木料
例句 He went to the lumberyard to buy wood.他去木料厂买木头。I think we should strip the old varnish off and see what the wood's like underneath.我想我们应该把旧清漆剥掉,看看下面的木料是什么样的。You can choose any type of wood for your furniture, according to your budget.你可以根据自己的预算选择任何一种木料做家具。These types of wood splinter more easily than redwood or cedar.这几种木料比红杉和雪松木更容易裂。These Severn Valley woods have been exploited for timber since Saxon times.从撒克逊时代起就开始采伐塞文山谷的这些树林获取木料He joined the two pieces of wood together with glue.他用胶水将这两块木料黏在一起。Check joints are secure and the wood is sound.检查一下连接处是否稳固及木料是否结实。There was a smell of damp wood and machine oil.有潮湿的木料和机油的气味。Only the finest timbers and veneers are used.只用上好的木料和饰面板。The houses are built of timber.这些房子用木料建造。He had painted all the wood with metallic silver paint.他把所有木料都喷上了金属银粉漆。They cleared timber from/off the land.他们搬走了地上的木料He attracted some timber and built a shed.他偷了一些木料,搭了一个棚。The wood in our furniture all comes from renewable sources.我们家具的所用木料都来自可再生资源。Plastics are now often used in place of wood or metal.现在塑胶经常被用来代替木料或金属。The truck was overloaded with wood.这辆卡车装运木料超载。His genius lies in finessing wood into finely crafted furniture.他的天赋在于把木料打造成工艺精良的精美家具。Ensure that new wood has been seasoned.确保新木料已经过干燥处理。The timbers of those old sailing ships were mostly oak.制造那些老帆船的木料主要是橡木。The sculptor transformed the block of wood into a statue.雕塑师将这块木料雕成了一尊塑像。The table is constructed of wood and steel.这张桌子是用木料和钢材制成的。One quality of wood is that it can burn.木料的一个特点是能燃烧。The wood in the table had a lovely smooth texture.这张桌子的木料质地光滑舒适。The floor was made of three different types of wood.这地板用三种不同的木料拼成。The machine squares the wood into flat boards.机器把木料制成方形木板。We stripped the doors down to the bare wood.我们把门的外层铲掉至露出原木料Timber owners have often produced lumber at a loss and survived these down cycles in demand.木材商经常亏本生产木料,艰难度过木材需求的低谷期。All wood used in our furniture comes with a certificate saying it comes from sustainable forests.我们的家具所使用的所有木料都有证书,说是采自可持续性森林。The age of the furniture can be judged from the type of wood used.可以从所用木料的类型判断家具的年代。Putting varnish on wood is a way of preserving it.木料上涂清漆是保护木料的一种方法。The house was riddled with dry rot.这栋房子因木料干腐而千疮百孔。The builders will have to strengthen the existing joists with additional timber.施工人员将不得不另外用木料加固现有的托梁。Much modern furniture is not solid but uses a sandwich of wood veneer on plywood.许多现代家具用的并非实心木料,而是在胶合板上镶上一层木板饰面而已。Ash is a slow-burning wood.梣木是一种燃烧速度较慢的木料You need a good quality varnish to protect the timber.这种木料要用优质清漆保护。The hotel is a massive effort of stone, wood and concrete.饭店是用石头、木料和混凝土造成的巨大建筑物。Existing timbers are replaced or renewed.现有的木料进行了替换或翻新。For certain types of work, natural wood has distinct advantages over plastics.对于某些制品来讲,木料明显比塑料好。The timbers of the roof are full of dry rot.屋顶的木料都干腐了。




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