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例句 Come on, Sue, that was two years ago.别瞎说了,休,那是两年前的事了。She retired from the stage some years ago.她数年前告别了舞台。He had a bad accident two years ago.两年前他出了一次严重的事故。The offensive began several days ago as an attempt to relieve the town.进攻于几天前开始,试图解放这个城镇。They did away with uniforms at that school years ago.那个学校在多年前就取消了校服。He quit the boards years ago.数年前他就离开了舞台。The satellite had been inactive since its launch two years ago.卫星自从两年前发射以来就一直没起作用。I've really got to shoot off - I said I'd be home ten minutes ago.我真得赶紧走了一我十分钟前就说要回家的。It was ages ago that I saw Mick.我很久没见到米克了。He was married a little while ago.他不久前刚刚结婚。The meeting was a follow-up to that held a month ago.这次会议是一个月前会议的继续。Several months ago, McNair learned that he had cancer.几个月前麦克奈尔知道自己患了癌症。It's been ages since we last saw them. = We haven't seen them in/for ages. = It was ages ago when we last saw them.自从我们上次见到他们,已经过去很久了。I started doing keep fit a couple of years ago.我几年之前就开始上健身课了。Tomorrow is the anniversary of the coup that brought a military dictatorship to power here nine years ago.明天是九年前促使军事独裁在这里上台的那次政变的纪念日。I started sea angling several years ago.几年前我开始了海上垂钓。The company only started trading a short time ago.公司不久前才开始从事贸易。We started to make preparations for the wedding about a year ago.大约一年前,我们开始筹备婚礼。A few years ago she was the victim of a con man.几年前,她被一个骗子骗过。Two weeks ago, Vision turned off his transponder.两周前,幻视关掉了他的联络器。He left home two years ago and has since become a soldier.他两年前离开了家,之后就当了兵。My daughter was married just over a year ago.我女儿一年多前刚结婚。A hundred years ago it was widely believed that there was life on Mars.一百年前普遍认为火星上有生命。I heard that he won a lot of money on the Superbowl a few years ago.我听说他几年之前在超级碗赛上赌赢了不少钱。I had my ears pierced years ago.我几年前就穿了耳朵眼。Aeons ago, there were deserts where there is now fertile land.很久很久以前,现在肥沃的土地曾是沙漠。Our economy is faring far better than a few years ago.我国的经济情况比几年前好得多了。The night shift should have been safely down the mine long ago.上夜班的矿工应该早就安全地到达井下了。Chain belts were the thing a few years ago.链式腰带在几年前是很流行的。Thieves had long ago plundered the tomb.很久以前,窃贼就洗劫了这个墓。They separated several years ago, but they're not divorced.他们几年前就分居了,但没有离婚。Marina cared for him after he seriously injured his eye several years ago.自从几年前他眼睛严重受伤之后,玛丽娜就一直照顾他。There are notes from years ago taped to the walls.墙上有多年前用胶带粘上去的字条。I wrote to Donna several months ago, but she hasn't written back yet.我几个月前给唐娜写过信,但她还没有回信。The college opened its doors to black students a few years ago.那所大学几年前开始招收黑人学生。Double-breasted suits went out years ago.双排扣的套装好多年前就过时了。This is a book I bought secondhand years ago.这是我几年前买的一本旧书。There was a time not so long ago when everyone felt confident about investing in property.不久前有段时间大家都对地产投资有信心。I saw the movie a couple nights ago.几天前的晚上我看了这部电影。Alina Reyes shot to fame a few years ago with her extraordinary first novel.阿林娜·雷耶斯几年前因她那部不同凡响的小说处女作而迅速成名。




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