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词汇 有计划
例句 There are already plans to renovate the buildings and make them habitable.已经有计划要整修这些楼房,使它们可以住人。Apparently the company has plans to take over its biggest rival.显然,公司有计划接管其最大的竞争对手。There have been reports of the systematic torture of political prisoners.已有报道指出他们对政治犯有计划地进行拷问。Police foiled an attempted robbery.警方阻截了一次有计划的抢劫。There are plans to merge the two most successful TV channels.有计划将这两个最成功的电视频道合并。There are plans to open a new supermarket next year.有计划明年要开一家新的超级市场。Parenthood is not always the result of a planned pregnancy.人们并不总是因为有计划的怀孕而当上父母的。It is a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive ability.那是为增强我们的竞争能力而作的有计划的努力。Budget cuts mean the wreck of all our plans.预算的削减意味著我们所有计划的毁灭。There are plans to replace the old highway with a braod tree-lined boulevard.有计划要修建一条宽敞的林荫大道来取代那条旧公路。There are plans to construct a new road bridge across the river.有计划要建造一条新的跨河公路桥。Are you doing anything tomorrow night?.你明天晚上有计划吗?The militias are systematically killing and raping civilians.这些民兵正在有计划有步骤地杀戮、奸污平民。They had not found any evidence of a systematic attempt to rig the ballot.他们没有发现任何证据表明有人有计划地操纵投票。There are plans to franchise the service in other states.有计划在其他州出售此项服务的特许经营权。There are plans to rerelease all the band's albums online.有计划在网上重新发行乐队所有专辑。There are plans to improve the hotel's exterior.有计划要改进这家酒店的外观。There are plans to relieve overcrowding in the village.有计划要缓解村子里的过分拥挤状况。All their plans came to nought.他们所有计划都落空了。There are plans to turn the old school into an apartment building.有计划要把这所旧学校改造成公寓楼。There are plans to split the corporation into a number of smaller independent companies.有计划要把大企业分割成一些独立的小公司。There are plans to enlarge the runway to enable jumbo jets to land.有计划扩建飞机跑道让大型客机可以降落。The idea that people plan their radio listening is nonsense; most tune in impulsively.认为人们有计划地收听广播的观点完全是无稽之谈,大部分人是随意收听。There are plans to reopen the railway line.有计划准备重新开通这条铁路线。There are plans to build a new shopping mall on the outskirts of town.有计划要在市郊建造一座新的购物中心。I was in on all his plans.我参与了他所有计划If Schneider had seen him that would have scuppered all his plans.如果施奈德看到了他,那他的所有计划都会泡汤。All her plans to go to university have been thrown aside.她上大学的所有计划已全都被搁置起来。There are plans to ban circuses with performing animals.有计划禁止马戏团使用动物进行表演。There are plans to modernize the antiquated telephone system.有计划要将陈旧的电话系统进行现代化升级。There are plans to break the company up into several smaller independent companies.有计划要把这家公司分拆成几家独立的小公司。There are plans to make the race an annual fixture.有计划使这项比赛成为年度赛事。Bernstein was convinced that an organized effort had been made to conceal the facts of the case.伯恩斯坦深信,他们是有计划地隐瞒实情的。We have plans to expand into the U.S. market.我们有计划把业务扩展到美国市场。The planned general strike represents an important economic challenge to the government.有计划的总罢工是对政府的重大经济挑战。There are plans to rebrand many Texas stores.有计划要将得克萨斯州诸多门店改头换面。We have accomplished all we set out to do.有计划要做的事情,我们都已完成。There are plans to build a tolled motorway around the perimeter of the city.有计划要沿该市周边修建收费的高速公路。There was a plan to change the production style, and he wanted no part of it.有计划要改变生产风格,他不想参与其中。We would love to have dinner at your house Friday night, but we already have plans. 我们倒是希望周五晚上到你家吃饭,但我们已另有计划了。




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