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She hasn't been in such good spirits lately.她最近难得有如此高昂的精神状态。Few contests in the recent history of British boxing have been as thrilling.英国近年的拳击比赛中很少有如此激动人心的。They were convinced the girls' behaviour was due to possession by the devil.他们相信了这些女孩之所以有如此举动是因为鬼魂附体。He was disgusted that a British minister could have behaved so disgracefully.他对一位英国大臣竟有如此丢人的举止感到厌恶。I wouldn't have thought she had such posh friends.我没有想到她会有如此有头有脸的朋友。No other European country had so few privately owned businesses.再没有哪个欧洲国家有如此之少的私有企业。It really gets me that such a foolish man has so much influence.使我真正感到气愤的是,这么笨的一个人居然还有如此大的影响力。There are so many diets on the market, how do you know which to choose?市场上有如此多的食物,你怎么知道该选哪些呢?He's had a roller-coaster career. 他的事业有如过山车,时起时落。In every one of her pictures she conveys a sense of immediacy.她拍的每一张照片中都传递出一种临场感,使人有如亲临现场。Why does German industry enjoy such a ready supply of well-trained and well-motivated workers?为什么德国工业能有如此现成的训练有素且积极肯干的劳动力资源呢?With such powerful interests arrayed against it, the bill would never succeed.有如此强大的利益集团反对,这个法案决不会通过的。Poetry, like mathematics, is an autotelic activity.赋诗有如数学,是一项目的存在于本身的活动。What surprised me was the contrast between Picasso's early style and his later work.令我吃惊的是毕加索的早期风格与晚期作品的风格之间竟有如此差别。One will never be able to understand why these political issues can acquire such force.人们永远也不会明白为什么这些政治问题会有如此大的影响力。The principal felt as if parents were railroading him into a decision.校长感到有如家长们正逼着他仓促作出决定。That's why he's got so caught up with this crazy idea about Mr Trancas.这就是为什么他对特兰卡斯先生一直有如此荒唐看法的原因。That's why he's got so caught up with this crazy idea about Mr. Trancas.那就是为什么他对特兰卡斯先生一直有如此疯狂的想法。He seemed so sure of his decision, how could he flip-flop so dramatically now?他当时好像对自己的决定非常肯定,现在怎么会突然有如此巨大的转变呢?Having such beautiful paintings and not letting the public see them is a criminal waste of the nation's art treasures.有如此美丽的画作却不让公众欣赏,这是一种浪费国家艺术珍品的可耻行为。Our interest collapsed like a pricked balloon.我们顿时兴味索然,有如泄了气的气球。Posing the question this way is like asking what tomorrow's weather will be and forces a probabilistic answer.这样提问题有如问明天的天气如何,强使人作盖然性的回答。Such was the reputation of the school that it drew boys from all over the south of England.这所学校有如此声望,把英格兰南部各地的男孩子都吸引了过来。!The pictures of the genocide were the stuff of nightmares.这些种族灭绝的照片让人觉得有如梦魇一般可怕。You can hardly expect such finer feelings in a thief.很难指望一个小偷身上有如此美好的感情。For such a small device this PC is a good performer.体积这么小就有如此性能,这台计算机相当不错。He steered the dinghy through the maze of derelicts.他驾驶着小艇在有如迷宫般的海上弃船中穿行。I had felt such extraordinary passion for this girl.我感觉到自己对这个女孩有如此强烈的情欲。I am sure that, given the great community spirit here, the fund-raisers will not give up.我坚信,这里有如此高涨的社区精神,募捐者是不会放弃的。I was surprised by the variety of the choices that were available.有如此之多的选择,我感到很惊讶。I've got such a lot to do.我有如此多的事情要做。There are now so many tourists that the area has become a victim of its own success.该地区现在有如此众多的游客,结果反受其害。This job has more than its fair share of frustrations.做这份工作本不该有如此多的挫折。Why did the right wing have so much power within the Kremlin?为什么右派在克里姆林宫有如此大的权力?I wondered why she was behaving in so singular a fashion.我想知道她为什么会有如此奇怪的行为。I'm not surprised that they have such a happy marriage. I always knew that they were meant for each other.他们有如此幸福的婚姻我并不感到惊奇。我就知道他俩是天生的一对。Only a few vegetable-origin foods have such a high percentage of protein.只有几种蔬菜食品有如此高的蛋白质含量。The energetic music can sound as exhilarating as your first earful of bebop.这支动感十足的乐曲会带给你有如第一次听到博普爵士乐时的兴奋感觉。People don't expect such opinionated commentary in what is supposed to be a news article.人们没有想到,新闻报道中竟然会有如此武断的评论。They hadn't bargained for such a dramatic change in the weather.他们没有料到天气会有如此大的变化。 |