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词汇 travels
例句 Sound travels more slowly than light.声音比光的传播速度慢。The exhibit is on view here for three months, after which it travels to another city.这个展览将在这儿展出三个月,之后将在另一个城市展出。He kept to the mainroads in his travels.他旅行时总是走大路。 Her garden is patterned on one she saw on her travels.她的花园是仿照她旅游途中看到的一个花园而建。She travels by tube to work every day.她每天乘地铁上班。She's very choosy about what airline she travels on.她出行时对于航空公司要求很高。News travels fast around here.消息在这儿传得很快。He travels back and forth across the Atlantic.他穿梭于大西洋两岸。I picked up a few words of Chinese on my travels, but I don't speak it fluently.我在旅行途中学会了几个汉语单词,但说得不流利。She entertained us with stories of her travels.她给我们讲她的旅游见闻以逗我们开心。Light always travels in a straight line.光总是直线运动。He never travels anywhere without his camera.他去哪儿玩都要带上相机。He travels for our firm.他担任我们公司的外务员。We listened with bated breath to Grandma's stories of her travels.我们屏住呼吸听祖母讲述她的游历故事。He is such a bad sailor that he always travels by plane.他是那么会晕船,所以他总搭飞机。Her travels have taken her to many parts of the world.她的多次旅行使她游历了世界上不少地方。He travels so much he actually wears out suitcases.他经常出门旅行,常常会把旅行箱都用坏。One surprise was how friendly everyone was to us on our travels.在旅行途中人人都对我们很友好,这是让我们感到意外的一件事。He always travels by bus because it costs less than travelling by train.他总是乘公共汽车,因为这比乘火车便宜。Seems like news travels pretty fast around here.这里似乎消息传播得很快。Nearly every long-distance call made in Britain now travels on optical fibre instead of cable.现在在英国,几乎所有长途电话都通过光纤而非电缆传输。The digital signal travels down wires to the server.数字信号沿着线路传到服务器。She travels constantly, moving among her several residences around the world.她经常旅行,穿梭于她在世界各地的多处住所。She eats at the hotel restaurant when she travels on business.她出差时在宾馆餐厅就餐。He travels around the country selling books.他旅行全国兜销书籍。He travels weekends.他在周末旅游。He uses a laptop for business when he travels.他旅行在外时用笔记本电脑办公。Santa Claus travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.圣诞老人乘坐驯鹿拉的雪橇出行。He travels the highways and byways of Texas.他来往于得克萨斯州的大路小路上。She travels the globe in search of good writers of children's stories.她到世界各地去寻找优秀的儿童故事作家。He also collects things for the house on his travels abroad.他在国外旅游时也为家宅搜集物品作为摆设。He travels south two days a week.他每周去南方两天。His published account of his travels is of dubious value to other explorers.他发表的游记对其他探险家不一定有用。Komarov travels a lot but he's based in New York.科马罗夫广游各地,但他住在纽约。When she travels she likes to do it in style.她旅行时喜欢大张旗鼓。His stories about his travels include a good deal of embroidery.他讲述的自己的游历故事中有大量的渲染成分。The president travels with a large retinue of aides and bodyguards.总统外出有一大群助手和保镖等随从。He travels to improve his mind.他常外出游历以增长见识。That car certainly travels.那辆车确实开得很快。Fox was making a long parenthetical remark about his travels on the border of the country.福克斯正在插入一大段题外话,讲他在该国边境游历的故事。




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