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词汇 travelling
例句 We spent years travelling around in a rusty old van.我们多年来都开着一辆生锈的旧货车四处旅行。Jenny had lots of adventures, travelling all over the world and always coming home with hair-raising stories.珍妮有过许多冒险经历。她游历世界各地,总是把惊险故事带回家。Minor stomach disorders are common when travelling abroad.在国外旅行时,轻微的胃部不适是常有的事。The airline requires children travelling alone to have a notarized letter of consent from one or both parents.航空公司要求单独旅行的儿童必须出具来自父母一方或双方的同意书。Discounts are available to people travelling in large groups.多人组团旅游享有折扣。The bus, travelling from Lagos, burst a tyre.来自拉各斯的公交车爆胎了。Catchments are relatively small and most parents want to limit the time that their children spend travelling to school.学区内的学生数量较少,大多数家长希望能缩短孩子上学路上所花的时间。She doesn't like travelling by herself.她不喜欢独自旅行。Getting to and from school involves two hours' travelling a day.往返学校每天要两个小时的行程。Going back to work after a month travelling in China is bound to be an anticlimax.在中国旅行了一个月之后回去上班肯定很扫兴。My hope is that by next summer I'll have saved enough money to go travelling.我希望的是明年夏天我能攒够钱去旅行。After they left Kathmandu they would be travelling through unknown territory.他们离开加德满都后要穿越不为人知的地域。She was adamantly opposed to her husband travelling to Brussels.她坚决反对丈夫前往布鲁塞尔。The new measures are intended to stop troublemakers from travelling abroad to football matches.这些新的措施旨在阻止喜欢闹事的人出国观看足球比赛。Voluntary workers can claim travelling expenses.志愿工作者可以申领差旅费。I was in a mess but a few months surfing and travelling straightened me out.我当时一团糟,但几个月的冲浪和旅行改变了我。I asked my travelling companion what he thought of the situation in Algeria.我问我的驴友对阿尔及利亚的形势有什么看法。He prefers travelling on the Tube to riding in a limousine.他更愿意乘地铁出行,不愿坐豪华轿车。He does a lot of travelling in his job.他在工作中要跑很多地方。For most people, a good guidebook is a necessity when travelling.对大多数人来说,旅游的时候,一本好的旅游指南是必备的。He has spent the past two weeks travelling around the country.他在过去两周里周游了全国。Two people were ahead of us, and travelling fast.有两个人在我们前面,走得很快。Roger's work involves a lot of travelling.罗杰的工作需要经常出差。It seemed to some observers that the English had a mania for travelling.在某些观察家看来,英国人对旅行似乎抱有一种狂热。You can now access and monitor your account even when you are travelling.现在,即使你在旅行,也能访问并监控自己的账户。They threw the police off the scent by travelling on false passports.他们用假护照旅行甩掉了警察。Most air travellers would be prepared to pay more to be sure of travelling safely.多数乘飞机的旅客都愿意多付点钱以确保飞行安全。David McNeil is travelling with the White House press corps.大卫·麦克尼尔正和白宫记者团一同前行。It took me months to save up enough money to go travelling.我用了几个月的时间才攒够了钱去旅游。The contents of the packet may shake down in travelling.旅途中包裹里的东西可能震落。I can't see the point of travelling all that way and then only staying for one day.我不明白为什么那么远跑来只住一天。He decided to drop out and spend his life travelling.他决定隐退,云游四方,度过余生。The job involves a fair amount of travelling.这份工作需要经常出差。I love travelling on trains.我喜欢乘火车旅行。Give it another screw to make sure the lid doesn't come off while we're travelling.把盖子再拧紧一圈,确保我们在路上时盖子不会掉落。There will be two adults travelling, plus three children.旅行时将有两个大人,外加三个小孩。You've been travelling quite a bit lately, haven't you?近来你出差很多,是吗?Anyone travelling across the bridge has to pay a toll.过这座桥的人都要付通行费。She was telling me about her exploits while travelling around Africa.她跟我讲述了她在非洲各地旅游时的奇遇。We'll be travelling by car.我们将开车旅行。




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