例句 |
I have some washing to do today.我今天有些东西要洗。Once people have seen that something actually works, they are much more likely to accept change.一旦人们看到有些东西确实奏效,那他们可能会更容易接受变化。Some things are beyond human contrivance.有些东西非人力所能创造。There's something you could study without stirring from this room.有些东西你不用离开这个房间也可以学习。Some things defy translation. 有些东西无法翻译。There are some things money can't buy.有些东西是钱买不到的。Some of the stuff on TV is absolute rubbish.电视上播放的有些东西是十足的垃圾。Some things cannot be given away by will.有些东西无法通过遗嘱赠予。 |