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词汇 月台
例句 Venders singsonged up and down the platform.小贩们在月台上声音单调地来回叫卖。The station had roses growing at each end of the platform.车站月台的两头种着玫瑰花。As I was standing on the platform, the Liverpool train went whizzing by.我站在月台上,开往利物浦的火车飞驰而过。He panted along the platform in the wake of the porter carrying his suitcase.他紧跟着替他提衣箱的搬运工,气喘吁吁地沿月台走去。The truck left the loading dock with hoses still attached.卡车驶离装货月台时塑料水龙带还连在上面。Passengers crowded the platform.月台挤满了乘客。The mail bags thudded onto the platform.邮袋砰砰地卸落在车站月台上。The luggage unfortunately remained on the platform.倒霉的是行李被遗忘在车站月台上了。He stepped down from the train onto the platform.他走下火车踏上月台An officer stood at a short remove upon the same platform.一名警官站在同一月台上不远处。They were photographed kissing on the platform.他们被拍到在月台上接吻。He was walking up and down the station platform.他在车站月台上踱来踱去。The platform rang with the hurrying feet of the belated travellers.月台上响起迟到旅客急促的脚步声。They stood waving on the platform, until the train disappeared from view.他们站在月台上不停地挥手,直到火车从视野中消失。The platforms groan with homeward-bound commuters.月台在下班赶着回家的通勤族脚下不堪重负。She stepped off the train onto the platform.她从火车下到月台上。The platform was crawling with grey-green uniforms.月台上挤满了穿灰绿色制服的军人。He was coming by train, so I waited on the platform.他坐火车来,所以我在月台上等。A train plowed into the barrier at the end of the platform.火车撞上了月台尽头的栅栏。




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