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例句 It doesn't matter whether you do it first or last - it all amounts to the same thing.最先做还是最后做这件事都无所谓——结果都一样。Dublin is thought of first and foremost for its literary heritage.都柏林让人最先想到的是其文学遗产。The first few leaves in the gutter announced the beginning of autumn.排水沟中最先落入的几片叶子标志着秋天的来临。The idea originated with her.这主意是她最先想出来的。India is where I first experienced real culture shock.印度是我最先真正感受到文化冲击的地方。The contest offered a cash reward to the first person who could breed a blue rose.这项赛事给最先培育出蓝玫瑰的人提供现金奖励。She was one of the first to sign the book of condolence.她是最先在吊唁簿上签名的几个人之一。The news was first broadcast on ABC.这条新闻最先由美国广播公司播出。Investigators say the fire probably broke out in the hotel kitchen.调查人员认为这次火灾可能最先从该旅馆的厨房燃烧起来。I do not remember who spoke first, but we all expressed the same opinion.我不记得是谁最先发言的,但我们全都表达了相同的看法。They were among the first companies to exploit the potential of the Internet.他们是最先开发因特网潜能的公司之一。The initial impact of the reforms will be felt most keenly in primary schools.改革的影响会最先在小学中明显体现出来。I intend to find out who originated this rumour.我想找出是谁最先散布了这个谣言。Meyer and his team were the first to show how the disease spreads from animals to humans.迈耶和他的研究小组最先揭示了这种疾病如何从动物传给人类。The first thing he looked at was his office's location.最先看的是办公室的位置。The impact of the property boom was first felt in the financial markets.金融市场最先感受到房地产繁荣所带来的影响。Bill was among the first to gain entry to Buckingham Palace when it opened to the public recently.白金汉宫最近向公众开放,比尔是最先获得进入许可的人之一。The show was first aired on the cable network Showtime.这一节目最先是在有线网络的《映时》中播出的。The newlyweds were the first to take the floor.新婚夫妇最先起身跳舞。Our immediate priority must be to help those affected.我们最先要做的应当是帮助灾民。I wondered which of us would finish our work first, but she beat me to it by two days. 我之前还寻思着我们俩谁能最先完成任务呢,结果她比我提前了两天完成。Her theory first saw the light of day in a well-respected magazine.她的理论最先发表在一家很有威望的杂志上。He was the first to spy the horseman in the distance.最先看到出现在远处的骑者。It is difficult to say with certainty which of the plays was written first.这些剧本哪一部是最先写的,很难有定论。The approach was pioneered by American therapist Dr Bruce Fisher.最先运用该方法的是美国临床治疗学家布鲁斯·费希尔医生。You should always list any work experience in reverse chronology, i.e. putting the most recent position first.你应当按倒序列出你所有的工作经历,也就是说:把你最近的工作职位最先列出。Tradition holds that the oldest member of the family be seated first.传统上家中最年长者最先入席。He was one of the first people to use high speed flash in bird photography.他是最先使用高速闪光灯拍摄鸟类的人之一。A local doctor was the first to raise the alarm about this latest virus.当地一名医生最先就这种最新病毒向人们发出警告。He said whatever came uppermost.最先想到什么就说什么。He had been greeted by the sight of his mother, her red hair wildly streaming.最先看见了他母亲,她红色的头发在风中狂舞。Doctors themselves are the first to admit the treatment has side effects.医生自己最先承认这种治疗方法有副作用。The Amazons were believed to have been the first to tame horses.据说亚马孙人最先驯化了马。What first attracted me to her was her incredible experience of life.她离奇的人生经历最先吸引了我。The waistline is usually the first area where fat accumulates.最先有脂肪堆积的部位通常是腰部。The Amazons were the first to tame horses.亚马孙人最先驯化了马。His face collapses when the baby preferentially reaches for the mother.当这个婴儿最先把手伸向母亲时,他脸色一沉。The first attack on Mr Blair came moments before he was due to speak.布莱尔先生最先受到的抨击发生在他即将发表演讲的时候。It's the first house you come to.这是你最先去的房子。Lettuce was grown by the Ancient Romans.古罗马人最先种植莴苣。




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