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词汇 by the fire
例句 The city was reduced to ashes by the fire. = The city was burned to ashes.那个城市被烧为灰烬。Gerard was in his usual place by the fire when I reached the pub.我到小酒馆时,杰勒德坐在火炉边他常坐的地方。The building was altogether destroyed by the fire.这幢建筑物被烧了个精光。We surveyed the devastation wrought by the fire.我们勘察了大火造成的破坏情况。He planted himself in a chair by the fire.他往炉火边的一张椅子里一坐。He had fallen into a deep slumber by the fire.他在炉火边酣然入睡。Come and warm yourselves by the fire.到火边来暖一暖。The prisoners used the confusion caused by the fire to conceal their escape.犯人利用火灾所造成的混乱来掩护自己越狱。They sat by the fire, cracking jokes.他们坐在火堆旁讲笑话。Come by the fire and have a warm.到炉边来烤烤火吧。The skiers basked by the fire.滑雪者坐在火旁取暖。He left his mother dozing by the fire.他留下他妈妈一个人在炉火边打盹。Come and sit by the fire – you look chilled to the bone.来坐在火边,你看起来都快冻僵了。Come and have a nice warm drink by the fire.到炉火边来暖暖和和喝一杯吧。He was nodding off by the fire.他在炉火边打盹。Their house burned to the ground, but the house next door wasn't touched by the fire.他们的房子被大火夷为平地,但隔壁的房子却没有损坏。She sat by the fire and felt the warmth spread through her body.她坐在炉火边,感觉到暖流传遍了全身。They put up a tent by the fire.他们在火堆旁搭起了一个帐篷。Their house was destroyed outright by the fire.他们的房子很快被大火烧毁。He was in the study playing draughts by the fire with Albert.他正和艾伯特在书房的炉火旁下国际跳棋。It was freezing outside but we were soon sitting snugly by the fire.外面冷得要命,可是我们很快就舒服地坐在炉火旁取暖了。Tom was toasting his feet by the fire.汤姆在火边烘脚。Both buildings were badly affected by the fire.两座楼都在大火中严重受损。I sat in a low chair by the fire, reading.我坐在火炉边的矮沙发上看书。Hardin stood by the fire to warm up.哈丁站在火炉旁边取暖。Laura crouched by the fire, feeding it with dry sticks.劳拉蹲在火堆旁添加干柴。Let's cuddle by the fire.让我们依偎在炉火旁。Several wolves prowled round the camp, but were kept at bay by the fire.几匹狼在营地周围悄然出没,但因为有篝火而不敢靠近。Her face was hideously deformed by the fire.她的面容被火烧得严重变形了。You're so cold - come and warm your hands by the fire.你太冷了——来,到火边暖暖手。They had a cosy tête-a-tête by the fire.他们俩在炉边舒畅地促膝谈心。She squatted on the ground and warmed her hands by the fire.她蹲在地上,伸出双手烤火。We sat by the fire to stay warm.我们坐在火旁取暖。More people were trampled to death than were actually killed by the fire.被踩死的人多于实际被火烧死的人。He took off his raincoat and settled by the fire.他脱下雨衣,然后在炉火旁坐下。She pictured to herself the family sitting by the fire.她想像著一家人围坐在火炉旁的情形。He sat by the fire staring at the flames.他坐在火旁凝视着火焰。The destruction wrought by the fire was appalling.这场火灾造成的破坏是骇人的。Jim came into the living room to warm himself by the fire.杰姆走进起居室,到火炉旁取暖。She was sitting in a chair by the fire.她坐在火边的椅子上。




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