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词汇 by the end of
例句 People tell me that my business will never succeed. Well, I have news for them. I'm going to make a profit by the end of the year.人们说我的生意永远不会成功。那么,我要告诉他们,我今年年底就会盈利。For the time being he can stay here, but I want that dog out of here by the end of the week.他暂时可住这儿,但我希望那条狗在周末之前离开。The drug is expected to be approved as a treatment for cancer by the end of the year.这种药物有望在年底获批成为癌症治疗药。It may rain by the end of the day, but we plan to carry on regardless.傍晚的时候可能会下雨,但是我们打算无论如何都要进行下去。As a general rule most students finish their coursework by the end of May.一般来说,大多数学生在五月底结束他们的课程。We should be in Karien by the end of the month.我们月底时应该在卡里恩。The majority of people intend to save, but find that by the end of the month there is nothing left.大多数人都打算存钱,但月末时就会发现已一文不剩。He was hundreds of dollars in the hole by the end of the night.他一晚上欠下了几百美元。I bet you were tired by the end of the trip. 我想旅行结束时你一定很累了。With any luck, we'll have this finished by the end of the day.运气好的话,我们可以在天黑之前完成。The game was irretrievably/hopelessly lost by the end of the first half.比赛在上半场结束时就已经输定了。Barring unexpected delays, work on the tunnel should be completed by the end of next month.如果没有意外的耽搁,这条隧道将于下月底完工。Final mixing should be completed by the end of this week.最后的录制工作应该于本周末完成。I'm just about on my knees by the end of the season.在赛季末尾的时候我几乎是筋疲力尽。I spent most of my money in the first week and consequently had very little to eat by the end of the holiday.我在假期的第一周用掉了大部分钱,因此假期快结束时我都没什么吃的了。All the matches must be played off by the end of the month.全部比赛必须在月底前结束。The new hiring process should be up and running by the end of the year.年底之前新的雇用程序应该能正常运作了。Remember to get your application in by the end of the week.别忘了在周末前递交申请。The demolitions should be complete by the end of the year.拆除工作应当在年底完成。We're hoping that we can clear all our debts by the end of the year.我们希望今年年底能把所有的欠债还清。All the city's schools will be online by the end of the year.到年底,市里的所有学校都会联网。We're hoping to have the house sold by the end of the year.我们希望能在年底前把房子卖出去。If I've read the situation correctly, we should have some agreement on the contract by the end of the week.如果我对形势的看法正确的话,周末前我们应该可以就合同达成某种一致。The majority of people intend to save, but find that by the end of the month there is nothing left.大多数人都想攒钱,但是到了月底却发现什么也没攒下。The work should be done by the end of the year.工作应该于年底前完成。We had to increase our output to fill the quota by the end of the year.我们必须增加产量,才能在年底完成定额。I'd like to have the work done soon, preferably by the end of the week.我希望这项工作很快完工,最好在周末之前。I must finish the paper by the end of the week.我一定要在本周末完成这篇论文。The Chancellor had been hoping to have an agreement signed and sealed by the end of this week.财政大臣一直期望这周末前能敲定一份协议。The economy had good periods and bad periods, but it all evened out by the end of the year.经济情况时好时坏,但在年末时达到均衡。They have decided to liquidate the corporation by the end of the next month.他们已经决定在下月底之前对公司进行清理。The outstanding debts must be paid by the end of the month.未了的债务须在月底前偿还。Will you please see to it that this work is finished by the end of the week.请你确保这项工作一定要在周末以前完成。They're hoping to get the ban lifted by the end of the month.他们希望在月底前取消该禁令。The other team had us dead to rights by the end of the first half.到上半场结束时,对方球队把我们打得一败涂地。I felt very much better by the end of the evening.等到了深夜,我感觉好多了。I was really pooped by the end of the day.一天下来我真的是筋疲力尽。We're hoping to move to a bigger house by the end of the year.我们希望年底前能搬到一个较大的房子里居住。I'd had a bellyful of his family by the end of the weekend.到周末的时候,我已经受够了他一家人。The committee plans to publish an interim report by the end of July.委员会计划在七月底公布一份临时报告。




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