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例句 Just twiddle the dial on the radio a bit for better reception.稍微转动一下收音机的旋钮以获得更好的收听效果。They are trying to find a better way of transmitting energy.他们正试图寻找一种更好的输能方法。There must be a better way to do this.一定还有更好的办法来做这件事。Now he knows he's in the driver's seat and can wait for a better deal.现在他明白他处于支配地位,可以等到更好的待遇。There may be better shoes on the market, but this is the one the kids want.市场上也许是有更好的鞋子,但小孩子要的就是这种。The company went back to the drawing board to make a better product.公司开始重整旗鼓以制造出更好的产品。They stood out for a better price.他们坚持要个更好的价钱。The threaded internal fastener provides better adjustment of the assembly than a cam type clamping device.有螺纹的内紧固件与凸轮型夹紧装置相比可为组件提供更好的调节。He went to London hoping to find a better job.他去了伦敦,希望找到一份更好的工作。This does not necessarily imply that children achieve better results in private schools.这未必意味着孩子们上私立学校就会取得更好的成绩。We need better contact between staff and management.员工和管理部门之间需要更好的沟通。It seems axiomatic that everyone would benefit from a better scientific education.更好的科学教育会使每个人受益,这似乎是不言自明的。If you listened in class you might get better grades.在课堂上你若是用心听讲,你会得到更好的成绩。As it expands its services around the continent, the competition it offers should force the other airlines to raise their game.这家航空公司在整个大陆拓展业务所带来的竞争会迫使其他航空公司有更好的表现。People are often willing to pay more for a better product.人们常愿意多掏点钱购买质量更好的产品。There was no feeling like it in the world.天底下没有比这更好的感觉了。They came up with a better solution to the problem.他们想出了一个更好的解决办法。Life is good now, but the best is yet to come.现在的日子过得不错,但更好的日子还在后头。If you are extremely rich, you could stay nowhere better than the Ruislip Court Hotel.如果你非常有钱,那就住赖斯利普宫廷酒店吧,没有比它更好的地方了。They've disappointed me. I expected better from them. 他们让我很失望。我原本期待他们有更好的表现呢。They are still urging the President to step up his diplomacy and make a better case for war.他们仍在督促总统加强外交手腕,为战争找到更好的理由。There's nothing like a good cup of tea.没有什么比喝上一大杯茶更好的了。I'll find you a better place one of these days.我会在最近的某一天里为你找一个更好的地方。They permit a shareholder to obtain leave from the court to bring a derivative action and thereby gain better access to a remedy.他们允许股东获得法院许可提起派生诉讼,以便获得更好的补偿。In the final analysis, it is the better organized party that will probably win.最后可能是组织得更好的这个党派获胜。Don't wait until New Year to resolve to organise your life. There's no time like the present.不要等到新年才下决心规划生活。没有比现在更好的时机了。We need to raise taxes to pay for better public healthcare.我们得提高税收来为更好的公共医疗体系提供资金。She needs to get her a better job.她得给自己找份更好的工作。We're trying to create a better business/learning environment.我们正在努力创造一个更好的商业/学习环境。She is very talented but has nothing on her brother who is an even better singer.她唱歌很有天赋,但和唱得更好的哥哥比起来就没有任何优势了。You couldn't wish for a better friend.你没有比他/她更好的朋友了。The zoo needed better management rather than more money.动物园需要的是更好的管理方式,而不是更多的资金。Better driving equipment will improve track adhesion in slippery conditions.更好的驾驶装备会改善湿滑情况下的抓地力。They wanted better housing.他们要求更好的住房。The speakers have been repositioned for a better acoustic effect.扬声器重新摆放了一下,以获得更好的音响效果。He was traded to a better team at midseason.他在赛季中期转会到一支更好的球队。The organization is working to improve conditions for the poor by providing them with jobs, health care, and better housing.这个组织正致力于改善穷人的生活境况,给他们提供工作、医疗保健和更好的住房。She wants to further her career, and hopes having a baby will not interfere.她想在事业上有更好的发展,希望生小孩不会对此造成影响。She moved to the city in hopes of finding a better job. 她搬进城里,希望能找到一份更好的工作。No one has ever seen a better example of woodwork.还从没有人见过比这更好的木制品。




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