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词汇 colour
例句 His dad had a job as a process artist colour-inking the printing plates.他父亲是为印版上色的照相制版师。You can buy jeans in every colour under the sun.你可以买到天底下任何颜色的牛仔裤。I'm feeling a bit off-colour today.今天我觉得有点不舒服。One discriminating feature is the colour of the bird's head.鸟头的颜色是一个可资识别的特征。The cushions add a touch of colour in a room that might otherwise look severe.靠垫给房间添了一抹亮色,不然房间看上去可能太素净了。The colour washes out after about six weeks.大约六周后颜色就褪掉了。His asides lent colour to the story.他即兴插入的话使故事生动了许多。The law should be colour-blind.法律不应存在种族歧视。She had resumed the travel necessary to add depth and colour to her novels.她重又恢复了旅行,那对于其小说增加深度及趣味性十分必要。All the paintings are startlingly dramatic as a result of their depth of field and colour.景深和色彩的运用令所有的画作都展现出令人惊叹的戏剧性效果。The oil is green in colour.这种油是绿色的。Having pictures to colour will keep children amused for hours.为图画上色会让孩子们开开心心玩很长时间。They want us to show some of our colour slides.他们想看看我们的彩色幻灯片。What colour are your eyes?你的眼睛是什么颜色的?Her hair was a dingy brown colour.她的头发呈现出一种脏兮兮的棕黑色。His story has some colour of truth.他说的有点像真的。A pale blue filter gave the correct colour balance.淡蓝色的滤光片让色彩平衡。All the colour has washed out of these old curtains.这些旧窗帘上的所有颜色都被洗掉了。We need to protect the rights of people of colour.我们需要保护有色人种的权利。Her hair was the colour of autumn leaves.她的头发有着秋叶的色彩。In spring, the valleys are ablaze with colour.春天,山谷里五彩缤纷。Don't allow your friends' opinions to colour your judgement.不要让你朋友的意见影响你的判断。The course is designed to help students with colour and composition.该课程旨在帮助学生掌握色彩和构图。Will this shirt lose its colour if you wash it?这件衬衫洗涤后会掉颜色吗?If you can't find the right colour, this makes trying to balance a painting complicated.如果找不到合适的颜色,想要使油画产生和谐的视觉效果就困难了。His usually florid complexion seemed drained of colour.他一贯红润的面孔看上去很苍白。I felt that the other kids despised me for having the wrong accent and the wrong colour skin.我感到其他孩子看不起我,因为我没有和他们一样的口音和肤色。The book contains excellent colour reproductions of Monet's paintings.这本书有莫奈作品的精美彩色翻版插图。There's not much difference in colour between the two of them.这二者之间颜色差别不大。Accommodation was provided to Gurkhas holding the rank of colour sergeant or above.为掌旗军士及以上军衔的廓尔喀军人提供住宿。He attached a colour printer to his computer.他给自己的计算机连上了一台彩色打印机。Mars is sometimes called the Red Planet because of its distinctive colour.因为颜色特别,火星有时也被称为“红色行星”。Purple is my favourite colour.我最喜欢的颜色是紫色。You could tell she was excited by the heightened colour in her cheeks.从她绯红的面颊可以看出她很兴奋。For a few moments he was pale and unsteady but his colour gradually returned.有一阵他的脸色苍白,走路摇摇晃晃,但后来气色又慢慢地好转了。These designs demonstrate her unerring eye for colour and detail.这些设计体现了她对颜色和细节的精准眼光。The toad had changed its colour to blend in with its new environment.蟾蜍已经变色,和新的环境融为一体。He generally wears a pale blue tie to bring out the colour of his eyes.他通常结一条淡蓝色领带,以衬托眼睛的颜色。The bathroom combines misty blues with bright splashes of colour.浴室结合了朦胧的蓝色和鲜艳的色块。The rice is cooked with saffron to colour it yellow.大米和藏红花一起煮,使米饭变成黄色。




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