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I've put stars next to the names I want you to check.我已经在需要让你核对的名字旁边标上了星号。The state capital is designated by a star.州首府用星号标注。Press star now.现在按星号键。Sometimes taboo words are written with asterisks to avoid causing offence.有时禁忌词中会用星号来代替某些字母,以避免冒犯读者。I put stars next to the most important items in the list.我在目录中最重要的项目旁标了星号。The starred items are available.带星号的物品都有售。The wild cards are represented here by asterisks.这里通配符用星号来表示。This restaurant is starred in the guidebook.这家餐厅在旅行指南上被标注了星号。I have asterisked the books that are essential reading for the course.我已将本课程的必读书目标上了星号。The asterisk refers the reader to a footnote.星号指引读者去查阅脚注。 |