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词汇 rusty
例句 The vehicles are without exception old, rusty, and dented.车辆无一例外都很破旧,锈迹斑斑,布满凹痕。I've retired for some time now — but I've not gone quite rusty yet.我退休已有若干时候了,但是我还不十分衰老迟钝。We spent years travelling around in a rusty old van.我们多年来都开着一辆生锈的旧货车四处旅行。Your typing is a bit rusty; you'd better rub it up.你的打字有点荒疏了;你最好复习一下。I warn you, my piano playing's pretty rusty.我先提醒你一下,我的钢琴演奏已经相当生疏了。My tennis skills are a little rusty.我的网球技术有点生疏了。My Spanish is pretty rusty.我的西班牙语相当生疏了。The door squeaked as it swung back and forth on its rusty hinges.门的铰链生锈了,转动起来嘎吱嘎吱作响。A thin curl of smoke rose from a rusty stove.生锈的炉子里冒出一缕青烟。Remove rusty leaves and spray the plants with fungicide.除去患锈病的叶子,再给植株喷洒杀真菌剂。The singers were a bit rusty after the long break.长时间间歇过后,歌手们有些生疏。I hadn't practiced for a long time, so I was really rusty.我很长时间没有练习,所以相当生疏了。You may be a little rusty, but past experience and teaching skills won't have been lost.你可能有一点生疏,但是过去的经验和教学技巧是不会丢的。I shifted gears abruptly into my rusty high school French.我突然改说中学时学得半生不熟的法语。The iron gate rasps because the hinges are rusty.铁门发出嘎嘎的刺耳声,因为铰链生锈了。The tools were rusty and unusable.这些工具锈迹斑斑,不能用了。My French is a bit rusty.我的法语有些荒疏了。The soils have a rusty red tint.那里的土壤呈锈红色。My Italian is a bit rusty these days.我的意大利语现在有点荒疏了。I'm a bit rusty.我有点荒疏了。There was a rusty iron chain hanging from the gate.一条生锈的铁链从大门口垂下来。Years ago, someone had resealed the tank, and now water was beginning to leak from the rusty join.几年前,有人补过水箱,现在水慢慢地开始从生了锈的接合处漏出来了。A rusty old car had been abandoned at the side of the road.路边有一辆被丢弃的生锈的旧车。Her hair was rusty brown.她的头发是深褐色的。The gate was attached to the post by a loop of rusty wire.大门用一圈生锈了的铁丝绑在柱子上。Ginny tried to sharpen up some rusty typing skills.金尼试图重拾生疏了的打字技术。To keep warm they burnt wood in a rusty oil barrel.他们在一只生锈的油桶里烧木柴来保暖。The vehicles are without exception old, rusty and dented.那些车辆一律都很破旧,锈迹斑斑,布满凹痕。The bicycle looked a bit rusty, but it worked.这辆自行车看起来有点生锈,但能骑。Tommy's old bicycle was rusty and falling apart.汤米的旧自行车锈迹斑斑,都快散架了。The apples were rusty and knotty.这些苹果有锈斑和节疤。I opened the rusty iron gate and walked up the path.我打开了生锈的旧铁门,沿着小道走过去。The rusty hinges creaked when the door opened.门开时生锈的铰链嘎吱嘎吱作响。My French is very rusty.我的法语已很生疏了。Brown water gushed out of the rusty old tap.棕色的水从生锈的旧龙头中涌出来。The rusty old car wheezed asthmatically into life.这辆生锈的老车好不容易才呼哧呼哧地点着火。She still has that rusty old car.她还保留着那辆锈迹斑斑的旧车。My Spanish is very rusty. I need to brush up before I go on my vacation to Mexico.我的西班牙语很生疏了。在去墨西哥度假之前,我需要好好温习一下。I'll try to sing for you, but I'm very rusty.我将试着唱给你听,但我因荒疏而很不熟练。The rusty gate sagged on its hinges.锈蚀的大门斜挂在铰链上。




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