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词汇 日期
例句 The date should be written after the address.日期应写在地址之后。I do not want to commit to any particular date.我不想定下具体的日期Dixon pleaded guilty to all the charges and will be sentenced at a later date.对于所有的指控狄克逊都认罪了,他将于稍后的某个日期被判刑。We need to set a date for the wedding.我们需要确定婚礼的日期The students are being spoon-fed facts and dates without having any opportunity for discussion.学生们被填鸭式地灌输各种事实和日期,没有任何讨论的机会。The date is already certain for the invasion.入侵的日期已经确定了。Fix a definite date for the delivery of your computer.请为你的计算机定个确切的交货日期She couldn't pin him down to a date.她无法让他说出一个确切的日期He got the days mixed up and thought the meeting was today.他把日期弄混了,以为会议是在今天。She ringed the date on the calendar in the kitchen.她在厨房的日历上圈出那个日期Dates for the concerts are pencilled in for late next year.音乐会的日期暂定在明年下半年。They haven't set a firm date for their wedding.他们还未确定婚礼的日期I can add the date with a single keystroke.我按一下键就可以加上日期She's been on the waiting list for nearly a year and still hasn't got a date for her surgery.她一直等待了将近一年,但还没有约到手术日期Just drop me a line when you decide on a date.一旦你确定了日期给我写信就行。We refused to pay because the goods were not delivered by the agreed date.我们拒绝付款,因为他们没有按约定日期交货。That date wasn't down on our news sheet.那个日期没有刊在我们的通讯简报上。You cannot ask for your money back before the agreed date.在商定的日期之前你不可以把钱要回去。We need to find a mutually convenient date for the talks.我们需要找一个对彼此来说都方便的会谈日期At the end, we have a sense of names, dates, and events but no sense of how they relate.最后,我们对名字、日期和事件有了些认识,但并不清楚它们之间的关联。She memorized the historical dates only to regurgitate them on the exam.她死记硬背历史事件日期,只为应对考试。This leaflet lists the dates and times of all the concerts.这张传单上列出了各场音乐会的演出日期和时间。The teaching of history should not be limited to dates and figures.历史教学不能只限于日期和数字。We don't know her actual date of birth.我们不知道她出生的确切日期I pointed out that changing the date would mean rescheduling the press conference.我指出,改日期就意味着要重新安排新闻发布会。Her speech was actually just a long recital of names, places, and dates.她的演讲实际上不过是对一些名字、地点以及日期的长篇堆砌。The system can log the date and length of calls made by company employees.这套系统可以记录公司员工打电话的日期和通话时间。After a series of consultations with doctors, a date for the operation was set.经过与各位医生的磋商,最终确定了手术日期An open ticket means you are not tied to returning on a particular day.未注明往返日期的机票意味着你不一定非得某一天回来。He marked off the days on a calendar.他划去日历上的日期By noticing these changes, the woman can tell when ovulation is about to occur.女性通过留心这些变化就能判断排卵的日期She grew increasingly nervous as the audition drew closer.随着试演日期临近,她越发感到紧张。Mandy subtracted the date of birth from the date of death.曼迪用去世的日期减去出生的日期Please confirm in writing the date you intend to leave.请书面确认你打算离开的日期He referred to a history book to find out the dates of the French Revolution.他查阅历史书来弄清法国大革命的日期They have arranged the launch to coincide with the start of the college term.他们把发行的日期定于大学开学期间。The government has still not set a date for the election.政府仍未确定大选的日期Can we fix dates for the trip?我们能确定旅行的日期吗?The date of the meeting is still to be confirmed.会议日期还没有最后确定。The society decided on a lecture series and appointed a committee to determine the speakers, the dates, etc.学会决定举办系列讲座,并委派一个委员会具体择定讲员、日期等。




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