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词汇 waistcoat
例句 An embroidered silk waistcoat contributed to his dandified appearance.身上的丝绸绣花马甲让他看起来更像纨绔子弟了。John Bull is traditionally depicted as a fat man wearing a waistcoat with the British flag on it.约翰牛传统上被描绘成一个身材肥胖的男子,身上穿着件印有英国国旗的马甲。She wore a lovely tiara but the groom, not to be outdone, had on a very smart embroidered waistcoat.她戴了一顶漂亮的冕状头饰,而新郎也毫不逊色,身着一件非常讲究的刺绣西服马甲。He wore a tarnished watch chain across his waistcoat.他的背心上挂着一条已经失去光泽的表链。His watch fob dangled below a double-breasted waistcoat.他的怀表链垂在一件双排扣马甲下。I had the mortification to see my coat, shirt and waistcoat swim away.眼看上衣、衬衫、背心一一漂走,我好不狼狈。The man was wearing a black waistcoat.这个男人穿著一件黑色背心。




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