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词汇 wait
例句 They had to wait till Monday to ring the bank manager.他们必须等到周一才能给银行经理打电话。I had to wait in line at the bank.我不得不在银行排队等候。Many people face a long wait for surgery.许多人要等很长时间才能动手术。I had to wait over half an hour for the train this morning.今天早上我等火车等了半个多小时。It'll have to wait. This is our busiest time .这事得往后放。这是我们最忙碌的时候。Depending on who you believe, the problem is either too much political interference or - wait for it - not enough.这就取决于你相信谁了,问题要么是太多政治干涉,要么——听好了——干涉不够。Now we wait for them to turn in their essays.现在我们等他们提交论文。I can't wait to see their new house.我迫不及待想看他们的新房子。My feeling is that we should wait a week or two.我的感觉是我们应该等一两个星期。They had to wait for hours in the most appalling weather.他们不得不在极为恶劣的天气情况下等了好几个小时。You go on in. I'll wait out here.你进去吧,我在外面等。!I can't stand the way they wait on her hand and foot!我实在受不了他们殷勤伺候她的样子!I know you're hungry but you'll just have to wait until dinner.我知道你饿了,但你也得等到吃饭时间呀。Everyone has to wait their turn.所有人都得轮候。She cursed her luck that she had had to wait for so long.她骂自己运气不佳,得排那么长时间的队。Most of them prudently adopted a wait and see attitude.他们中大多数人持谨慎观望的态度。I thought I'd play it cool and wait for him to ring.我觉得我得冷处理,等着他来电话。They prepared themselves for a long wait.他们作好了长时间等待的准备。Hold it, you two, wait for us!等一等,你们俩,等等我们!She instructed us to wait outside.她吩咐我们在外面等候。You go get help - I'll wait here with the car.你去找人来帮忙一我看着汽车在这里等。Everybody had to get in line and wait their turn.所有人都必须排队等候。He lay in wait for her and shot her at almost point-blank range.他在暗中等候着她,然后几乎近距离射中了她。Will you be long, or shall I wait?你要很长时间吗?我要不要等你?We had to wait while he looked for his keys.他找钥匙时,我们只能等着。Look at Lady Muck over there, expecting everyone to wait on her!瞧那边那位自命不凡的女人,她想让大家都围着她转。Drivers have little recourse but to wait until the weather clears.司机们除了等待天气放晴外别无他法。You'll have to wait and see what happens.你只能等着看接下去会发生什么事情。Why don't you wait for me downstairs? I won't be long.为什么不在楼下等我呢?我很快的。I can't wait to put what I've learned into practice.我迫不及待地想把所学的知识运用于实践。Do you want to grab a bite to eat, or can you wait until we get home?你要随便吃点东西,还是能等到我们回到家再吃?You'll have to wait a bit.你得等一会儿。They made me wait for half an hour before allowing me to see my father.他们故意让我等了半个小时才允许我见父亲。Aitkins lay in wait for his victims and shot them as they walked toward their front door.艾特金斯埋伏着等候作案对象,等他们快走到自己家前门就开枪打死他们。We can't wait to get started.我们迫不及待地想开始。You'll just have to wait until they call your name.你得一直等到他们叫你的名字。You need to wait half an hour for the medication to take.需要等半个小时药才会起效。We'll have to wait until the next committee meeting, whenever that is.我们得等到下一次召开委员会会议时,但不知道那将是什么时候。Darling, would you please wait a second.亲爱的,请稍等片刻。The only thing we can do now is wait and see what happens.我们现在唯一能做的就是坐观事态发展。




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