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词汇 Wait
例句 Wait until you've had your dinner, then you can go out to play.等到吃完晚饭之后你才可以出去玩。Wait a while, maybe a few days.等一等吧,也许要过几天。Wait for the water to clear before adding any fish.等到水变清了再放鱼进去。Wait a mo, I'll just get my coat.等一下,我去拿大衣。Wait till he hears the news.等着看他听到这条消息后会有什么反应吧。Wait here until I get back.在这里等我回来。Wait till I get you outside, and I'll sort you out!等着,看我不把你揪到外面揍你!Wait to cross until the street is clear of cars.等到街上没有汽车时再穿过去。Wait for me. I can't keep up.等等我,我跟不上了。Wait until the pods have swollen before picking the peas.等豆荚鼓起后再采摘。Wait a minute, I'm nearly ready.等一会儿,我快准备好了。Wait a minute. I need to regroup.等一等,我需要调整一下。Wait until you meet Tony. He's a real laugh.等到你见了托尼吧,他这人非常有趣。Wait for it! I haven't said "go" yet.等一等!我还没说“开始”呢。Wait up, you guys! I can't walk that fast.等一下,各位!我走不了那么快。Stop! Wait a minute!停下来!等一会儿!Wait, and it'll all blow over.等着吧,一切都会过去的。Wait a minute, Mum, I'll put Joe on.等一下,妈妈,我让乔接电话。Wait's actions had set in motion a chain of events that would eventually result in his dismissal.韦特的行为引发了一连串的事件,这些事件最后将导致他被解雇。Wait! Let me explain!等等!听我解释!Wait outside in case you can be useful.等在外面,也许你可以帮点儿忙。Wait for me outside. I'm going to the ladies.在外面等我,我要去一下女厕所。Wait until I get my hands on you. 让我抓到有你好看!Wait a minute! I'm beginning to catch on.等一下!我开始有点懂了。Wait for me, I just need to clear up my desk.等我一下,我这就把书桌理一理。Wait here. I'll be back in a minute.在这等着。 我很快就回来。Wait a minute, I've got a better idea.等等,我有个更好的主意。Wait a bit longer – Bill hasn't pitched up yet.再等一等,比尔还没到呢。Wait a minute, I'll just put a bit of lippy on.等一下,我抹点口红马上就好。Wait a second-this letter's been sent to me by mistake.等一会儿,这封信误送到我这儿了。Wait a minute, I'm just coming.等一下,我现在就来。Wait a bit, I've nearly finished.稍等一下,我差不多做完了。Wait until he's in a better frame of mind.等他心情好些再说。Wait, I have a better idea.等一下,我想到了一个更好的主意。Oh boy! Wait till we tell Ann the news.嗬,好家伙!等我们告诉安这个消息吧。Wait until the paint is dry.一直等到油漆干了。Wait for a couple of minutes with your mouth closed before inserting the thermometer.先合上嘴巴等几分钟再放进体温计。Wait! I can explain everything.等一下! 我可以解释一切。Wait here. I'm just going to run this in/inside to her.在这儿等着。我要进去把这个送给她。Wait a minute, folks, something is wrong here.等一下,伙计们,这里有点不对劲。




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