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He's a bottomless pit as far as food is concerned.他吃起东西来肚子像个无底洞。Millions of dollars were poured into the maw of defense spending.数百万美元投进了国防开支这个无底洞。The business was little more than a financial black hole.这个企业只是财政上的无底洞罢了。Iron ore and coal pour into the maw of the steel mill.铁矿石与煤源源不断地运进钢铁厂这个消耗原材料的无底洞。There was a rope dangling down into a dark, bottomless hole.一根绳子悬荡下来伸进一个漆黑的无底洞。She fears that the matter will simply be swallowed up by the maw of bureaucracy.她害怕这件事只会被官僚体制的无底洞所吞没。We'll be pouring money into a bottomless pit if we try to keep that factory open.如果继续让那个工厂运转下去,我们无异于把钱投入无底洞。The taxpayers are becoming increasingly recalcitrant about open-ended programs for overseas purposes.纳税人对于资助那些无底洞似的海外项目越来越持抗拒态度。 |