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词汇 coins
例句 Henry chanced upon some valuable coins in the attic.亨利无意中在阁楼里发现了一些很珍贵的硬币。Divers exploring the wreck managed to salvage some coins and jewellery.探寻沉船的潜水员们设法打捞到了一些硬币和珠宝。She fed more coins into the slot.她往投币口塞进更多的硬币。At Easter, we give them plastic eggs filled with small toys, novelties and coins.复活节时,我们给他们分发塑料彩蛋,里面装着小玩具、新颖的小玩意儿和硬币。We heard the chink of coins from the slot machine.我们听到了老虎机里硬币的碰撞声。You should hang on to those old coins; they could be valuable.你应该留着那些旧钱币,它们可能很值钱。The phone box often jammed, or rejected perfectly good coins.公用电话钱箱常常卡住,要不就把一无瑕疵的硬币退出不纳。He showed me the coins in his palm.他给我看他手心里的硬币。She jingled the coins in her pocket.她把兜里的硬币弄得叮当响。Canadian coins have a picture of the British Queen's head on one side.加拿大硬币的一面有女王的头像。The coins were only ever used for ornament, not as currency.这些硬币从来都只被用作装饰品,而不是作为货币使用。They'll only accept coins that have been bagged up.他们只接受袋装的硬币。He pulled out a handful of coins from his pocket.他从口袋里掏出一把硬币。These coins were minted in China hundreds of years ago.这些钱币数百年前铸造于中国。The price of gold coins fluctuates in tune with commodities.金币的价格随商品涨落。Sam fished about in his pockets and produced a few coins.萨姆在口袋里摸摸,找出几枚硬币来。The collection box was full of coins and paper money.募捐箱里装满了硬币和纸币。The coffee machine suddenly ejected a handful of coins.突然从咖啡自动售卖机里弹出一把硬币。Let me change the dollar bill for coins.让我把这张一元的纸钞换成硬币。He used up all the coins he had.他把硬币都用光了。He melts down coins to make into earrings and ornaments.他把硬币熔化掉,做成耳环和装饰品。Bill collects foreign coins.比尔收集外国硬币。Silver coins of this period are not common, and could be very valuable.这一时期的银币不常见,可能很值钱。Gold coins have been found in hoards in many parts of the country.在这个国家的很多地区都发现了大批埋藏的金币。She rattled the jar with the coins in it. = She rattled the coins in the jar.她把罐子里的钱币摇得叮当响。The comedian joked coins from audience.那喜剧演员靠插科打诨赢得观众钱币。At Easter, we give them plastic eggs filled with small toys, novelties, and coins.在复活节,我们给他们装有小玩具、小饰物和硬币的塑料蛋。She looked at the coins in her palm.她看了看掌中的硬币。He put a few more coins in the slot.他又将几枚硬币投进投币口。I drew a handful of coins from my pocket.我从口袋里摸出一把硬币。Insert the correct coins, then select the drink you want and press the button.投入适当的硬币,然后选择想要的饮料,按下那个按钮。The coins were discovered by a team of archaeologists.这些钱币是一个考古小组发现的。The Treasury Department plans to remove older coins from circulation and replace them with new ones.财政部打算从市场上收回旧硬币,以新的硬币取代它们。I can't perceive any difference between these coins.我看不出这些硬币有什么差别。People threw coins onto the stage, as was the custom.人们向舞台上扔钱币,这是他们的习俗。He came back with a fist of coins.他回来时手里攥着一把硬币。She fed her last two coins into the machine for a cup of coffee.她将最后两枚硬币塞进机器里买一杯咖啡。The iron coins are poorly preserved and have rusted.这些铁币保存不善,生锈了。He rolled the coins.他把硬币放入纸筒。His pockets contained a motley collection of coins, movie ticket stubs, and old candies.他的口袋里乱七八糟地放了很多东西,有硬币、电影票票根,还有很久以前的糖果。




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