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词汇 整件事情
例句 The whole affair—if I may say so—was a waste of time.如果我可以这样说的话,整件事情就是浪费时间。He was very annoyed about the whole affair.他对整件事情都感到恼火。She assumed he'd be furious, but the whole incident just wasn't a big deal to him.她以为他会发怒,但是对他来讲整件事情没有什么大不了。The whole thing was a set up to get Burley to confess.整件事情都是为让伯利招供而设下的圈套。I think they're making the whole thing up.我认为整件事情是他们编出来的。The whole thing has been blown out of all proportion by the media.整件事情被媒体大肆渲染了。We want to keep the whole affair as low-key as possible.我们想让整件事情尽可能保持低调。I'll be glad when the whole business is over and done with.整件事情完全处理好的时候,我会很高兴的。The wedding's next week, but my parents are taking care of the whole shebang.下周举行婚礼,但整件事情都是我父母在张罗。The whole thing has been nothing but heartache and worry. Let's hope nothing like it ever happens again.整件事情就是让人痛心、担忧,但愿这种事以后再也不会发生了。The whole thing is somehow a bit Mickey Mouse.不知怎的,整件事情有点幼稚。The whole case was badly handled from start to finish.整件事情从头到尾都处理得不好。The whole thing was a masterpiece of crowd management.整件事情就是人群管理的典范。He came to regret the whole incident.他开始对整件事情感到后悔。We'll have to do the whole thing again from scratch.我们这整件事情得重新开始。The whole thing was a big con.整件事情就是一场大骗局。I'm getting really hacked off about the whole thing.整件事情实在太让我生气了。We have considered the whole subject from many different angles.我们从许多不同的角度考虑了整件事情The whole thing was a positive embarrassment.整件事情确实很尴尬。The whole thing was brilliantly planned.整件事情计划得极为出色。She's been a real trouper about the whole thing.在这整件事情中,她才是真正可靠的人。This whole thing's got a good bit more dangerous.整件事情变得更加危险了。The whole thing was an invention of a New York newspaper.整件事情都是纽约一家报纸捏造出来的。He seemed to regard the whole thing as a joke.他好像把整件事情当成了笑话。There is something rather strange about all this if one stops to consider it.如果停下来好好想想的话,就会发觉整件事情相当蹊跷。They thought the whole thing was a side-show, tangential to the real world of business.他们认为整件事情只是一个插曲,和真正的商界没有多大关系。The whole thing was a ghastly mistake.整件事情是个很糟糕的错误。The whole thing was a bore.整件事情真让人心烦。Suddenly, Sarah felt rotten about the whole thing.突然,萨拉对整件事情感到内疚。Apparently the girls are not at all amused by the whole business.据说女孩们觉得整件事情一点也不好笑。Why not have it out with your critic, discuss the whole thing face to face?为什么不和批评你的人讲个明白,面对面地把整件事情谈一谈呢?Jean was thoroughly cheesed off by the whole affair.琼对整件事情彻底绝望了。She'll forget about the whole thing if she knows what's good for her.如果想避免麻烦,她会忘记整件事情的。I was so nervous about the driving test that I screwed the whole thing up.驾驶考试的时候我非常紧张,结果整件事情都被我搞砸了。The whole thing was completely surreal.整件事情怪诞不经。I rather made a botch of that whole thing.可以说我把整件事情都弄糟了。The whole affair has been highly suspect.整件事情一直都非常可疑。They thought the whole thing was a sideshow, tangential to the real world of business.他们认为整件事情只是一个插曲,和真正的商界没有多大关系。The whole thing stinks of political corruption.整件事情都透着政治腐败的气息。I am getting very bored with this entire business.我开始对这整件事情感到非常厌倦。




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